why didn't the fire department buy this property, instead of property a block away?
Another business moving out of Palatine, I told you, Palatine is not friendly to merchants (it's like that light switch, goes on and off all the time (like musical chairs, you don't know when it going to switch)). It seems as Schwantz as mayor more people are leaving town. To this date, I have not found one business person, when asked if Schwantz has paid you a visit, asked what he can do for you? But, I agree, to help this merchant move and get out of Dodge.
Officer Baker probably hit this merchant for road side, kick backs and he is just sick of Palatine?
There might be more here than meets the eye.
Property use to be Voigt Excavating. Any questions, ask Ron Voigt http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=305128&src=1 .