Palatine lied in wavered grand jury testimony. The mayor's brother got me to sign the waver, The mayors brother, the cook county states attorney's office and Judge Scotillo knew that the arresting officers testimony was false, pre trial, a lie, perjury must occur for my prosecution and to maintain the illusion of the integrity of the Village of Palatine.. supreme court justice Anne Burke and another (who called me right after the trial, before sentencing (see below)), attorney general, Madigan and cook county states attorney Alvarez and Devine has given approval for this disgraceful, criminal conduct along with 5'500 plus others. This also met State senator's Durbin, Obama and Burris approval. I contacted all senators. I hired 5 lawyers, to get to the truth, but Judge Scotillo, his law bar and extortion powers, persuaded all my lawyers, obstruction of justice, to preserve the lawlessness of a Village is more important. It's against the law to lie to a grand jury, or to wave a grand jury indictment under false pretense. I thought the mayors brother was protecting me, not the dirty cop. I thought (2 time law bar president of Scotillo's law bar) was honest, truthful so when the mayors brother told me to wave my rights to a grand jury. I did.. No one cares. 5 years later, how many similar events occurred, by this one cop? 2 cops? 3 cops? A entire police force? Every department in the entire village? Every village, every cop in the county? Every county in the State? Every state in the United States?

To all foreign visitors Welcome to every day life in America.

The mayors dad, gramps and I, were close friends for decades. Bill went to court with me and watched the Palatine cops make a fool out of them selfs.. When his kid became mayor of Palatine, a proud father that always supported his sons, right or wrong, this life long friendship ended. It's amazing how the power of corruption can change people, you thought were solid as a rock. We did joke about it ..... "will not be able to hang around with the likes of me any more" he's moving up in society.

How come, obstruction of justice, a cover up, perjury, false documents, organized crime, terrorism, bribery, is not a equal opportunity punishment crime? Written law in reality means what? Ethics or a judicial cannon means nothing to a lot of people.

My lawyer (the mayors brother), knew that the Palatine cop's report was false and that the cop's testimony was perjury. My Lawyer (the mayors brother) aided in the obstruction of justice. Mayor Mullins, Mayor Tatooles, Mayor Schwnatz got my "email", along with 5,500? others.

My lawyer was a judge Scotillo's law bar president. The judge ruled his x bar president, mayors brother, incompetent. Must have been part of the game. To look look important. If the judge rules a lawyer incompetent (before the trial began), I would think, I should have the right to get a lawyer that was competent. But it don't work that way, it's all a game played on saps like you and me.

The office of the Cook County States attorney's office (Dick Devine), prosecutor Chandra and co prosecutor Andre, new before hand, the cops testimony was perjury and the police report was false. Did they all lie and mis led the grand jury?

I hired, lawyer # 1, (x president of the judges law bar, mayors brother), lawyer # 2 (governor of the judges law bar), lawyer #3 (maybe he is not a governor?), Lawyers # 4 and 5 (to do the appeal), lawyer # 6. None of them could tell Scotillo nor the mayors brother, nor the prosecutor, nor the cop, that they have made a mockery out of the criminal justice system. Or say, they should be ashamed of them selfs. They created a "you owe me" Scotillo. BesidesAlveraz is the matriarch of the Chicago bar and Scatillo's wife the matriarch of her law bar. If the judge tells you to threw a case or your not going to practice law, I guess a sleaze ball lawyer, has to obey.

I contacted every federal judge down town, every lawprofessor in Illinois, no body cares, but me? The law has no respect for the law. The government has no respect for the government.

The cops were high on drugs during court, or plain & simple, knew there were no penalties for his criminal conduct. The appellate court praised Scotillo for praising a cop (Wenrich) that lied to his face...... who's the fool?

The cop didn't know the color of my car, the road he's on, the town he's in, higher than a kite. All the other cops went along with it. Hunter was sitting right next to him (top state DUI cop, but could not tell Wenrich was tripping out of his mind, the surveillance video should prove this (I told Tatooles, but he didn't care). The shift commander? is now the Chief of Inverness. The chief I think was the one who's kid tortured some one, into a false confession with Alveraz, Madigan, the mayor, village council, council of the council, village manager approval, shoot, it seems with every ones approval. Authorized human right violations. Obama and Durbin, didn't say any thing, i guess it's OK with them. Does it not make them accessories to torture? Madigan and the mayor of Palatine are for sale, call it a campaign contribution or a consulting fee. Blogo talks about it and goes to jail. Like I said in a post, blago should have beenMayor of Palatine.

I think email about a cover-up and obstruction of justice adds federal crimes, to the whole mix. But then, I contacted theFBI, they don't care also.

One of the village council members emailed me and said he don't like my blogs..... not going to change a thing, but don't like my blogs, same with the manager there has been email between the manager and village council. There were a few other return communications. with in the 5,500 emails.

a few visitors came from
this site and this site and this site

5 years go by, nothing changed, except more lies, false documents and perjury, if this ain't terrorism, organized crime, than what is? The Gov and his crime commission are accessories. Senator Obama nor Durbin cares, nor the 98 others. I contacted them all. How many Illinois supreme court justices must I contact, until I get the point, they are just a corrupt as a dirty cop.

Just think, this crap, goes on every day, day in and day out, non stop. The damage to our society, our nation, the world, is incompressible. You think the village manager is clean?

You think law bars are the answer? Chicago Law Bar or the American Bar Association, NO, they don't care. I would assume, saw Schools have a class or 2 about the values of laws in a society and what would happen once the justice system broke down......

I think it's important to be honest, truthful, respectful, to know right and wrong, to be kind to others, neighborly and helping others is a good thing. It seem, I'm just about the only one that thinks this way and I will keep thinking this way. Just because every one else is a crook, has no morals, dishonest, that don't mean I have to be or, the next guy.

This nonstop corruption of law, will be the death of the very society, which law is to protect. If you ask me, this is terrorism, organized crime.

What does a person do, to report a crime? Contact a cop? Contact the village council? Call the mayor? Contact the County states attorney? Contact a judge? Contact a federal judge? Contact the attorney general? Contact the gov? Contact a law school? Contact the senators? Contact the FBI? I CONTACTED THEM ALL and nothing. Most every thing I blog about is public information. You don't need to be a rocket scientist for the rest. A dirt bag is a dirt bag, Plain and simple.

The Palatine Police must have arrested 20,000 or more, people since my arrest. With village, prosecutors, and judicial approval of this disgraceful conduct, I wounder how many other crooked trials, perjured testimony? Just because a cop, States attorney and judge may choose to lie in court, it still don't make it right,

village of Palatine allowed and aided in perjury to a grand jury. The mayors brother was a prime participant (tricked me into signing a grand jury waver) How was I to know that I was in the middle of a scam?

Palatine ordered perjury to grand jury, the judicial knowingly allowed and aided.

Palatine mayors Schwantz, Mullins and Tatooles, obstruct justice. Perjured testimony and false evidence from the Village of Palatine, Village council, police department KNOWINGLY ALLOWED, go before a Grand Jury.

With the ADDITIONAL approval and assistance of Alvarez, Madigan, Quinn, Scotillo, federal, state and county judges, law bars, law professors, and about 5500 others. Quinn's crime commission knew about this, Devine and Obama.


What kind of justice system is this? Every Untied States senator was notified, asked for help..... nothing,

A copy of this blog is probably at a few governments agencies. Will probably last a million years

The Law has no RESPECT for the LAW. A land of lawlessness, lack of responsibility, it's a free for all.

I don't think it is right. Look what happens to me.

Dear Anonymous

I was un able to open the video I received, please re-send another way, maybe I post it

Palatine side walk program

slade and maple

A good example of a good idea. If you are going to do a job, do it good, do it to the best of your ability. This don't look like the best job to me (more grinding and in other spots).

They could have, made the joint area, in the sidewalk smoother, but choose not to.

Portland, requires no greater than 4mm in adjacent side walk pannels, joints ground to the same plane.

5 minutes would have made it much better. Why not take the extra time to do a good job?

Maybe Mullins slipped on these sidewalks and sued the city,

I hear some one fell and sued the Village, now they can do it again and again and again, until these sidewalks are ground smooth.

Problem is, not many care.

If a cop can maul down a pedestrian, have reckless disregard for life at 3:30 in the morning, in the middle of a 7 lane highway and it's legal, if the cops can take any one and legally torture and extract a false confession, admit it in court and it's legal, if a cop can be high on drugs and be praised by the courts of this fact and it's legal, if a city can promote alcohol sales for a bar on city property and it's legal, the mayor run a bar tab at another bar and it's legal, who cares if some one cracks their head open on a sidewalk....... I care, that's who cares.

I have been at church all week, I'm beat and tired, a couple more days and I'm done, had it, fed up, hahahahahahah

Schwantz is now the mayor

We all know, I'm not a lawyer, some times I look up words, when I'm not sure of the meaning, why is the cop, not, being charged with

attempetd murder?

Wikipedia is great.

Murder, as defined in common law countries, is the unlawful killing of another human being withintent (or malice aforethought)

Specifically in the criminal law, malice aforethought (or malice prepense) is the element of mens rea(Latin for "guilty mind") which must accompany the actus reus of death, in order to secure a conviction for murder under the common law. In other words, knowledge that through an action or omission, the result will be some one's death.

Malice aforethought is a precisely defined legal term that does not correspond to the lay definitions of either of its constituent words. It means one of any of the following states of mind concurrent with an act or omission that resulted in death of a person. One textbook defines it as "a term of art if not a term of deception."[1] The author further states that "murder does not require either spite or premeditation. Mercy killing can be murder, so can a killing where the intent is conceived on the instant." In English law themens rea requirement is an intention to cause death or to cause serious injury. Intention in this context is found either when the perpetrator acts with the purpose of causing death or serious injury, or, followingReg. v. Woollin [1999] 1 AC 82, where death or serious injury is a 'virtually certain' result of the perpetrator's act and the perpetrator has knowledge that death or serious injury is a virtually certain result.

To varying extents in the United States, the requisite intention can also be found where the perpetrator acts with gross recklessness showing lack of care for human life, commonly referred to as "depraved heart murder"

a report so damaging, will not be made public

I got some thoughts I will share, on this "report" next day or 2
denies everything
admits nothing
makes counter accusations
A police department that has the chiefs kid admit under oath "extracting false confessions"
how many more mass trials of innocent defendents, have there been?
Did any one ever wounder
I want to know

who's idea was it to extract a false confession?
where did the police obtain this training?
who gave the police training?
when did the police get this training?
how many police department employees receive this training?
what drugs were used on the detainees?
was the police department participants tested for drugs during or after this interrogation?
was the prisoner(s) informed of his constitutional rights?
what promise of reward or leniency was given to extract confessions?
what mental punishment was used to extract confessions?
what physical punishment is used to extract confessions
was sodium amytal, desoxyn or lsd-25 used?
what disorganized thought pattern methods were used?
what sensory deprivation was used?
what restraints were used during this interrogation?
how long was this interrogation?
how many extended period of interrogation were used.
was there any walking differently of the interrogation subjects after words?
was there any talking differently of the interrogation subjects after words?
was there any acting differently of the interrogation subjects after words?
was there any severe recurrences of the interrogation subjects after words?
was there traumatic memories by the interrogation subjects after words?
was the CIA's 1963 manual counterintelligence Interrogation used as a training tool?
was a "truth serum" cocktail used?
was it the goal to create a zombie, vegetable or confuse the interrogation subjects?
what other sources of how to derange and disorient a person who was reluctant to cooperate?
what other ruel, inhumane and degrading methods to elicit confessions are used?
what interrogation tactics were used?
what torture interrogation techniques were used?
what enhanced methods of interrogation were used?
was soft torture discussed?
was Dr. Ewen Cameron's technique used?
were the prisoners given medical treatment?
what are the names of the police officers that were involved?
what were the names of the shift commanders?
what were the names of the deputy chiefs?
what were the names of the police chiefs?
who were the Council members to over look police department?
how many other false confessions have been extracted?
where are the video's of the interrogation?
was the village attorney's present?
who of the cook county district attorneys office was a participants?

let's not forget, before this occurred, village council board members, tampered with evidence, at the request of chief Bratcher (the father of the very kid that admits extracting falsed confessions, then submitting this false evidence to a court of law). Village council board members, washed down, wiped down, disinfected, steralized, removed all remaining evidence, prints, dna, hair samples, blood splatters, from the crime scene
it was legal


the prosecutor ordered Bratcher and other Palatine police people not to have further contact with the suspect, but the cops, in essence said piss on you, we can do what we feel, nobody tells us what to do (read the article, that's what it sounds like to me), if you or I were told by the prosecutor not to do something and we did it, we would be in jail.
the Inverness chief, Haas, was right there some place, shift commander?
what was the real reason Tatooles gave Bratcher $120k to recommend Haas for the top cop job in Inverness?

don't take a rocket scientist here

did any of that money make it back to Tatooles? the good ole boys

.nobody finds a problem with this
no body cares.
a diminishing moral high ground? social justice? human rights?

.I dont think torture, extracting false confessions, by what ever means necessary is a good thing.

It is obvious that the Palatine police department has had a long history of no respect for human rights or life fro that matter - are reckless in their activities
behaviour gone unpunished, unchecked but promoted, encuraged, welcomed by many

this was Mullins police department now it belongs to Schwantz
and they all do their 1 hour a week in church thing,

will secret meetings continue on Jim's watch?

Are the police going to arrest any one connected to the Menard's $4.6 kick back? Hell no, why up set the cart. Heck no, they get their share any way.

I would bet, until the cops know which way the new mayor's leaning, his lines are taped.

Illegal? what's the difference, perjury, tampering with evidence, false reports, beating false confessions out of people, shake downs, The Palatine police department and village hall crossed the line of lawlessness, a long time ago.

Besides, when you have the likes of Judge Scotillo and his clan, Tatooles and his clan, covering up and obstructing justice, how every they see fit, what can you do?

Just blog, and maybe these criminals will get tired of being criminals and start behaving.

Arlington Hts police department, investigating Palatine police departmet

Because the crash involved a Palatine policeman, an outside agency, in this case the Arlington Heights Police Department, was called in to investigate, "just for a neutral perspective," said Palatine police Cmdr. Kurt Schroeder.

Arlington Hts has a history of deceiving the court, obstruction of justice. These criminal acts has no statue of limitations, since it is easy to prove a history of perjury. Prosecuting attorneys, like so many others, have shown contempt for the law and oath he/they have sworn to uphold (joke, bad joke) Should be striped of their license and be in jail. .

.this sounds wild, nuts, crazy, who's kidding who?

.What will Arlington Hts say? Our drug test of the cop failed? The police chief issued false statements? We found tampering with evidence at the crime scene? This will not happen in a million years. Why did there look like damage to the front of the squad car if the guy ran into the side? Perhaps, all ready, lies and deception are coming from the top.

What is wrong with Inverness and Chief Haas? After all Tatooles gave Bratcher $120k to recommend Haas. Who cares if Haas was x Palatine deputy chief last year or shift commander in the Brown's chicken mess.

.Haas and the rest were taking lessons from Bratcher, on how to torture prisoners, how to extract confections from innocent residents, at the police station (right below the mayors office). Nothing has changed, maybe a new face here or there, but samo samo.

This is what Tatooles and the village council of Inverness want from their top cop, be just like Palatine, a police chief that can get results, that can beat a confession out of anybody.

.Don't this re-mind you of Mayor Daley, claiming innocent, when his cops were torturing residents. Then, Lisa Madigan says, there is no money in the budget to prosecute those cops. YaHOO for cops.

Mullins wanted to be like Arlington Hts, so welcome to a want to be village.

Arlington Hts wanted to be like Des Plaines.

Looks like the guy might have been jay walking and apparently did not yield to a emergency vehicle. I guess that gives the cop the legal right to maul him down. The cop has the legal right to avoid the pedestrian or not, any way the cop is with in the law, his choice, do as he pleases.

I don't like any of this, these are not the best laws that elected officials can give us. But, what difference does it make, Not every one has to follow the same law, or knowing if the judge is on the take or the other guy is going to lie, who is going to get away with what, who knows who, join the club and look the other way............ There is no law and order, no matter how much we pretend, the bottom line is until this double standard is gone we are no world leader. We have no right implementing our form of government to any other nation. We cannot have a good cop bad cop scenario, or 1/2 the judge in the court house honest other half crooked. 60/40 or 35/65, is a lawless land. It is to the point, that the government lies so much, no body knows what to believe.

So, the Arlington Hts police department is going to investigate the Palatine police department, the cop that mulled down a kid at 3:30 in the morning, in the middle of a 7 lane highway, (2 lane each way, 1 flat, curb less center turn lane and 2 paved shoulders) . . .They must come back with a favorable report on the Palatine police, other wise there may be some problems with the two departments working together in the future.

Madigan covers for Alvarez
Alaverz covers for Scotillo
Scotillo covers for Tatooles
Tatooles covers for Mullins
Mullins covers for her police department

Now it's Arlington Hts turn and Jim's turn to cover for Palatine

.Who's goofy idea was this?

At least Mullins squashed investigations by non government, truly independent of her police department.

took a photo of intersection 4:45 am week later

Palatine cops get innocent man to confess, and it's legal

Sergeant concedes Palatine police "got an innocent man to confess"

"Are you telling me that a perfectly innocent person in the custody of the Palatine Police Department can confess to a crime that he absolutely did not commit?" defense attorney Clarence Burch asked Palatine Sgt. Steve Bratcher on the stand."Yes," Bratcher replied, sending a slight rumble through the courtroom gallery. Bratcher, the son of then-Palatine Police Chief Jerry Bratcher(taken shortly after May 2002 arrest).

Since when is this conduct legal?

2003 my arrest by cops that were hallucinating, and the village coverup that followed

another hallucinating cop, this one mulls down a

pedestrain in the middle of a 7 lane highway at 3:30 am, can't arrest this poor guy, cause he's in a coma.

Need help, call a cop?

I would bet thousands more.of Palatine arrests contain garbage.

These are not good people, what do you do? Popular choice is to go along, ignore, be apart of it, cover up, let it continue, let's not worry about the next nightmare, who know maybe it wont happen?

."Enable" is the problem, what ever, who ever, the enabler is always the problem.

The village and courts enables the police to have reckless conduct, the citizens enable the village and courts to have reckless conduct. Citizens, folks, with all our baggage, we must collectively vote a change, or impeach, to enable a change.

But if we are lacking moral values, honesty, love and help your neighbor, we are stuck.

Now, in 2009, has anything changed?......don't look like it, not yet any way.

will some one
give me good news to blog about
getting ride of Mullins is 1, give me more
May 06, 2009

There is nothing wrong with Jim, to do his own investigations on matters, and make decisions accordingly. Rather than rely on the status quo.

Palatine cop, mauls over pedestrian at 3:30 am, on a 7 lane highway,

inside lane, 5' from the middle

What happened here?

One more example of willful disregard for life or the law, by the law, just think if you or I were driving that car and hit a cop. End of story (our story)

I warned many people of the uncontrolled, un monitored, un supervised, ruthless, illegal activities by the, police department and village hall, secrete deals, pay offs, drunkenness, disorderly, unprofessional conduct. No body cared. no morals, no ethics, law is what ever they want it to be. There is nobody to say stop, this aint right.

bashing me, seems to be the order of the day,

"No, I don't think apologies are necessary," Quinn said after an Earth Day event at the Executive Mansion. "I think, what we want to do is, if people find out things that aren't right, you roll up your sleeves and you correct them. That's what I have believe in all my life."

Palatine has always had 2 sections, the honest section on Illinois st. and the crooked one on Wood st. Unfortunately it is the cooked branch on Wood st, that has always, jerked, every ones chain. Call some out form the public works and you probably get a honest answer. Call some one out from village hall and who knows what you'll get. When Harry was forced to allowed unlicensed people do commercial contract plumbing work, in down town Palatine, because of who they knew and with a few other examples, it was obvious that dirt bags were calling the shots.

I should have taken a picture with my phone. I was there at 4:15 getting something to eat, with another Palatine merchant. My girl friend stayed in the car and watch all the commotion. The cop car was stopped east of 12, on 68, inside lane. I would say, less than a car length from the 2nd of 4 entrance to Denny's on 68. I was told every one was looking at the front of the car more than the side (don't know, having breakfast). 4:45am a unmarked mini SUV pulled up, parked next to us, 2 plain clothing guys got out, put on a yellow-lime reflective vests. A cop on the scene greeted em. A Kildeer squad car was there.

Update, looked this morning, and; there is a pedestrian cross walks area on those 2 corners with 70%? of the markings gone

good new idea?

how about this, wow just came to me

I mentioned about the historical society and how Marylin did not care that I dug across a treasure of goods, by the cemetery.

Jim's dad, knows more about Palatine 50 years ago than most, More than me, we would kid around, rember this and that.  Bill use to tell me

Jim's grandmother is still around, (last I knew), I went with Bill once or twice, to see his mom, when she was at the Palatine center (untill they cleaned out all her money).  She may have stories.

The Bergmans, Hans 85 years ago (yes still alive, kicking ass every day) is another guy, and his brother, son's.

If Jim wanted to do something,  another thing no one seems to cares about,

Have some of these guys record stories of the old, but new, once upon a time Palatine.  You would be amazed.

Have others tell stories, good or bad,

Im going to bed, I hope I dont read about another cop mauling down another kid, when I wake up.

Palatine cop attempted to murder a j walker? mauls him down, reckless disregard for another life

Why did the cop not see a pedestrian on a 9 lane highway
3:300 am, Hallucinating? On drugs?

any one give the cop a drug test, if so, how would we know if it was accurate?

In my case another Palatine cop was hallucinating also, maybe it was the same one? (right there, in the police report), this cop did not know the color car I was driving, the road he was on, city, state, where he pulled me over, It was wild, read the police report, as clear as day, who knows / he didn't even know where he was that night, (same road couple miles away?) a cop higher than a kite with his comrades giving me a field sobriety test.

.Is this attempted murder? If the roll was reversed (cop in the middle of the road and a person driving a vehicle, mulled the cop down), the driver would be in all sorts of problems,

I warned many people about this, and they did nothing. Because they did nothing, we got this kid on his death bed, each and every person I contacted for help, should be guilty of attempted murder.

The Palatine village hall and others, is or should be, also, as guilty as the person behind the wheel.

9 lanes of pavement and the cop mauls down a kid in the middle. As sick as it sounds, it is in the best interest of the village to twist the facts as much as possible. We all watch TV, this is how it's done, don't have to be a rocket scientist figure out what facts they will twist.

9 lanes times 10' per lane = 90 feet, The cop could not move over 2"?

This kids law suite and a few more like it, they're coming, will remove what ever credit rating the village has, into the sewer. Unless Palatine shapes up.

Palatine's finest like every one else runs into problems and must make changes to correct these problems.

Any one hear about that kid going to class at Harper, the Palatine cops pulled him over for something and as he got out of the car the cops started clubbing him almost to death. I know some one that was in class with him. Injuries were so great? he could not finish school or something like that.

Palatine cops like to party hearty

One thing for sure, there must be plenty of drugs in the evidence room, it's party time. Palatine cops like to party hearty.

Let me see, theres a paved devide, 2 lanes east, 2 lanes west, each have left turn lane and I think each have pavement sholders. geeze, a offal lot of lanes.

You or I would be arrested with a bunch of charges, not tomorrow, next week, next month, but today, now, pronto, schnell, subito.................. no if's and's or but's

Drug testing cops, every couple hours? Stop this cover up, and lets get treatment. Drugs and Alcohol are a very deadly poison. Alcoholism is a disease, don't matter if your driving a car, walking down the road, time of day, color of skin, old or young.

The courts aids in cover ups (I have the rare opportunity to have evidence of this,).

What is more important;

a photo enforcement intersection


a photo system out side a bar, where, deadly accidents are waiting to happen?

A city gives a company a license to peddel booz (a leathal weapon) (deadly poison), knowing perfictly well that in return for payment the license holder will administer this poison onto its citizens and make money at the same time, which will, in due time, develop the diease of alcholism, cancer, social problems, work problems, additional health problems and in the mean time, while all this is going on, at any time, some one could take that car and kill. This don't make sence.

By now we all have thoughts on another horrible event with the Palatine police department.

Strike 1 or 2 for Jim or add this to the Mullins score card?

2 days before the changing of the guard

This is the best Palatine police can offer the new mayor

What a welcome, but standard par, if you ask me.

Is this strike one or two? for Jim or do we add this to Mullin's score card?
Palatine police department don't want anyone poking around their affairs, something else will pop up.

A lot of not nice things happen to people locked up, pulled over or that come across a Palatine cop.
Cops has plenty of insurance, income, benefits, union representation, all the stuff he needs.

Jim now has health insurance with the village, so all his health needs are taken care of.

How is the kid? Probably has no insurance, now-no income, no benefits, nothing, but some people (like me) are hoping for good. Any one from the village go to the hospital? Wait, the last thing the kid wants to see is a cop.

Palatine Village council clean up another crime scene?

Judge Scotillo and the D.A's office, praised, paid tribute, glorified, Palatine police officer Wenrich's perjured testimony and false police report and knowingly. Mullins and the village council aided in the cover up.

I see the good ole Wenrich, Hunter, Haas, Bratcher and Mullins days haven't gone anywhere. Maybe the chief got a couple village council members to clean up this crime scene re;browns chicken

Maybe the new mayor will quash a investigation into his Police department as Mullins did?

and it will start all over again, Welcome to Palatine, a village loaded with cover ups, that has the courts participating approval and a participating in town, non profit, pay in advance, law bar team with the mayor of Inverness's brother right there, leading the charge.

Any time there is a problem, go to the Local law bar and ask them, how to get away with it.

Do you think the village, village attorney's, Judge Scotillo, the appellate, Anita Alvarez, Lisa Madigan, Pat Quinn care how many pedestrians the Palatine cops maul down or how many drinks they have or what types of drugs they do while on duty? prof is in the pudding.

I was hoping the governors crime commission would address some of these issues, but not even they thought this is important. I do.


Palatine cop runs over pedestian 4 am

What happened here?

I should have taken a picture with my phone.

A Palatine cop driving east bound on rt 68, went through the rt 12 intersection, less than 50 feet and hit some one, walking across the highway or maybe, was stop ed, waiting for the cop car to pass or ran into a fast moving police car (any thing can happen, I doubt this is what happened though, I suspect it was more like a head on).

If a guy looks both ways, then starts walking across the street, minding his own business, looking at his destination on the other side, and a cop comes flying down the road with lights, no siren from to the side and behind him.....and we have a 21 year old in a coma with a 50/50 chance to live

This happened at Rand and Dundee around 3:30 am 05-02-09 (at 4:45 am a small SUV came with 2 plain cloths people), Palatine and Kildeer had the inter section all but closed, just about every squad car on duty from both towns were there, maybe the county cars were there, but didn't see em.

Let me guess, another cop driving around higher than a kite?

Did any one think of a BAC, urine, blood test on the cop?

A Arlington Hts cop doing a drug test on Palatine cop?

Did the Alington Hts cop check the Palatine cop car and the Palatine cop that was involved in the accident for any drugs, drug paraphernalia, field sobriety test, or excess cash?

That is a photo enforced intersection, let me guess, that don't matter.

Was this cop going to a ATM, in a hurry, a little distracted? Deposits for the evening were down a little?

I see the good ole Wenrich, Hunter, Haas, Bratcher days haven't gone anywhere.

Welcome to Palatine

Another cover up?

The paramedics took the victim to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge

I will bet this is kind of like, what a cop was doing at a atm about 1/4 mile from this location at about the same time, same day of the week, months ago. This event, is old news, I bloged about a while ago.

Some criminal behavior is like clock work, these cops look at all the criminal activity and all the mistakes made, all the booty lost and think, I can do it better, who will know, who will arrest me.