Arlington Hts police department, investigating Palatine police departmet
Because the crash involved a Palatine policeman, an outside agency, in this case the Arlington Heights Police Department, was called in to investigate, "just for a neutral perspective," said Palatine police Cmdr. Kurt Schroeder.
Arlington Hts has a history of deceiving the court, obstruction of justice. These criminal acts has no statue of limitations, since it is easy to prove a history of perjury. Prosecuting attorneys, like so many others, have shown contempt for the law and oath he/they have sworn to uphold (joke, bad joke) Should be striped of their license and be in jail. .
.this sounds wild, nuts, crazy, who's kidding who?
.What will Arlington Hts say? Our drug test of the cop failed? The police chief issued false statements? We found tampering with evidence at the crime scene? This will not happen in a million years. Why did there look like damage to the front of the squad car if the guy ran into the side? Perhaps, all ready, lies and deception are coming from the top.
What is wrong with Inverness and Chief Haas? After all Tatooles gave Bratcher $120k to recommend Haas. Who cares if Haas was x Palatine deputy chief last year or shift commander in the Brown's chicken mess.
.Haas and the rest were taking lessons from Bratcher, on how to torture prisoners, how to extract confections from innocent residents, at the police station (right below the mayors office). Nothing has changed, maybe a new face here or there, but samo samo.
This is what Tatooles and the village council of Inverness want from their top cop, be just like Palatine, a police chief that can get results, that can beat a confession out of anybody.
.Don't this re-mind you of Mayor Daley, claiming innocent, when his cops were torturing residents. Then, Lisa Madigan says, there is no money in the budget to prosecute those cops. YaHOO for cops.
Mullins wanted to be like Arlington Hts, so welcome to a want to be village.
Arlington Hts wanted to be like Des Plaines.
Looks like the guy might have been jay walking and apparently did not yield to a emergency vehicle. I guess that gives the cop the legal right to maul him down. The cop has the legal right to avoid the pedestrian or not, any way the cop is with in the law, his choice, do as he pleases.
I don't like any of this, these are not the best laws that elected officials can give us. But, what difference does it make, Not every one has to follow the same law, or knowing if the judge is on the take or the other guy is going to lie, who is going to get away with what, who knows who, join the club and look the other way............ There is no law and order, no matter how much we pretend, the bottom line is until this double standard is gone we are no world leader. We have no right implementing our form of government to any other nation. We cannot have a good cop bad cop scenario, or 1/2 the judge in the court house honest other half crooked. 60/40 or 35/65, is a lawless land. It is to the point, that the government lies so much, no body knows what to believe.
Madigan covers for Alvarez
Alaverz covers for Scotillo
Scotillo covers for Tatooles
Tatooles covers for Mullins
Mullins covers for her police department
Now it's Arlington Hts turn and Jim's turn to cover for Palatine
.Who's goofy idea was this?
At least Mullins squashed investigations by non government, truly independent of her police department.
took a photo of intersection 4:45 am week later