a report so damaging, will not be made public

I got some thoughts I will share, on this "report" next day or 2
denies everything
admits nothing
makes counter accusations
A police department that has the chiefs kid admit under oath "extracting false confessions"
how many more mass trials of innocent defendents, have there been?
Did any one ever wounder
I want to know
who's idea was it to extract a false confession?
where did the police obtain this training?
who gave the police training?
when did the police get this training?
how many police department employees receive this training?
what drugs were used on the detainees?
was the police department participants tested for drugs during or after this interrogation?
was the prisoner(s) informed of his constitutional rights?
what promise of reward or leniency was given to extract confessions?
what mental punishment was used to extract confessions?
what physical punishment is used to extract confessions
was sodium amytal, desoxyn or lsd-25 used?
what disorganized thought pattern methods were used?
what sensory deprivation was used?
what restraints were used during this interrogation?
how long was this interrogation?
how many extended period of interrogation were used.
was there any walking differently of the interrogation subjects after words?
was there any talking differently of the interrogation subjects after words?
was there any acting differently of the interrogation subjects after words?
was there any severe recurrences of the interrogation subjects after words?
was there traumatic memories by the interrogation subjects after words?
was the CIA's 1963 manual counterintelligence Interrogation used as a training tool?
was a "truth serum" cocktail used?
was it the goal to create a zombie, vegetable or confuse the interrogation subjects?
what other sources of how to derange and disorient a person who was reluctant to cooperate?
what other ruel, inhumane and degrading methods to elicit confessions are used?
what interrogation tactics were used?
what torture interrogation techniques were used?
what enhanced methods of interrogation were used?
was soft torture discussed?
was Dr. Ewen Cameron's technique used?
were the prisoners given medical treatment?
what are the names of the police officers that were involved?
what were the names of the shift commanders?
what were the names of the deputy chiefs?
what were the names of the police chiefs?
who were the Council members to over look police department?
how many other false confessions have been extracted?
where are the video's of the interrogation?
was the village attorney's present?
who of the cook county district attorneys office was a participants?
let's not forget, before this occurred, village council board members, tampered with evidence, at the request of chief Bratcher (the father of the very kid that admits extracting falsed confessions, then submitting this false evidence to a court of law). Village council board members, washed down, wiped down, disinfected, steralized, removed all remaining evidence, prints, dna, hair samples, blood splatters, from the crime scene
it was legal
the prosecutor ordered Bratcher and other Palatine police people not to have further contact with the suspect, but the cops, in essence said piss on you, we can do what we feel, nobody tells us what to do (read the article, that's what it sounds like to me), if you or I were told by the prosecutor not to do something and we did it, we would be in jail.
the Inverness chief, Haas, was right there some place, shift commander?
what was the real reason Tatooles gave Bratcher $120k to recommend Haas for the top cop job in Inverness?
don't take a rocket scientist here
did any of that money make it back to Tatooles? the good ole boys
.nobody finds a problem with this
no body cares.
a diminishing moral high ground? social justice? human rights?
.I dont think torture, extracting false confessions, by what ever means necessary is a good thing.
It is obvious that the Palatine police department has had a long history of no respect for human rights or life fro that matter - are reckless in their activities
behaviour gone unpunished, unchecked but promoted, encuraged, welcomed by many
this was Mullins police department now it belongs to Schwantz
and they all do their 1 hour a week in church thing,