Another merchant flees town
Maybe Officer Baker, pulled Wayne's trucks over one to many times, demanding curb side shake down money and Wayne, just got, sick to his stomach with this crap.
If your reading this Wayne, your not the only local merchant, he pulled over and harrased the hell out of, there is a plumber in town, I think got pulled over 12 times? (go to the Baker Blog) One time just cause something with my name was on his trailor, maybe he finaly paid Baker off

I wounder if Bakers collections are going in his pocket or toward the Fraternal order of police tax exempt / non profit organization or maybe to another place. This is one of many good places to laundry money.
Baker is just another crooked cop on the city payrole.
Baker is another low life working for the new mayor.
I don't think the mayors dad has to worry any more about Baker pulling him over.