what does Iran / Palatine have in common? confessions
Jannati, a powerful hard-liner who is close to Iran's supreme leader, told worshippers during a Friday prayer sermon in Tehran that the detained staffers "made confessions." http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090703/D996VE8O0.html
Palatine police chief's kid, can and has, get any one to make confession also, admitted and allowed in a United States court of law.
Mayor Daley of Chicago allowed it to happen by the Chicago police. To add to this crock of crap, Attorney General lisa Madigan says there is no money to prosecute. She wants to run for Governor?
United States government admits that they torture people (guantanamo bay 7 years? torturing coupld hundred people?, and they only thing they got was the guy that has a bomb in his shoe and a limo driver for Bin Laden).
We are the cause of this global financial melt down, it started right here, we then conclealed our problems, packaged em up to look nice, peddled them, to other countries, took the cash and ran.
I don't think any country, religion, tribe, history book, professor, you name it, can say anything good about this behavior. But yet, this goes on day in and day out, non stop, no one seems to care.
The heavens can take only so much of this bull shit, if we don't fix these things, the heavens will, cannot fool mother nature.