Palatine side walk program

Schwantz is now the mayor
Specifically in the criminal law, malice aforethought (or malice prepense) is the element of mens rea(Latin for "guilty mind") which must accompany the actus reus of death, in order to secure a conviction for murder under the common law. In other words, knowledge that through an action or omission, the result will be some one's death.
Malice aforethought is a precisely defined legal term that does not correspond to the lay definitions of either of its constituent words. It means one of any of the following states of mind concurrent with an act or omission that resulted in death of a person. One textbook defines it as "a term of art if not a term of deception."[1] The author further states that "murder does not require either spite or premeditation. Mercy killing can be murder, so can a killing where the intent is conceived on the instant." In English law themens rea requirement is an intention to cause death or to cause serious injury. Intention in this context is found either when the perpetrator acts with the purpose of causing death or serious injury, or, followingReg. v. Woollin [1999] 1 AC 82, where death or serious injury is a 'virtually certain' result of the perpetrator's act and the perpetrator has knowledge that death or serious injury is a virtually certain result.
To varying extents in the United States, the requisite intention can also be found where the perpetrator acts with gross recklessness showing lack of care for human life, commonly referred to as "depraved heart murder"
a report so damaging, will not be made public

will secret meetings continue on Jim's watch?
Arlington Hts police department, investigating Palatine police departmet
Palatine cops get innocent man to confess, and it's legal

Sergeant concedes Palatine police "got an innocent man to confess"
"Are you telling me that a perfectly innocent person in the custody of the Palatine Police Department can confess to a crime that he absolutely did not commit?" defense attorney Clarence Burch asked Palatine Sgt. Steve Bratcher on the stand."Yes," Bratcher replied, sending a slight rumble through the courtroom gallery. Bratcher, the son of then-Palatine Police Chief Jerry Bratcher(taken shortly after May 2002 arrest).
Since when is this conduct legal?
2003 my arrest by cops that were hallucinating, and the village coverup that followed
2009 another hallucinating cop, this one mulls down a
pedestrain in the middle of a 7 lane highway at 3:30 am, can't arrest this poor guy, cause he's in a coma.
Need help, call a cop?
I would bet thousands more.of Palatine arrests contain garbage.
These are not good people, what do you do? Popular choice is to go along, ignore, be apart of it, cover up, let it continue, let's not worry about the next nightmare, who know maybe it wont happen?
."Enable" is the problem, what ever, who ever, the enabler is always the problem.
The village and courts enables the police to have reckless conduct, the citizens enable the village and courts to have reckless conduct. Citizens, folks, with all our baggage, we must collectively vote a change, or impeach, to enable a change.
But if we are lacking moral values, honesty, love and help your neighbor, we are stuck.
Now, in 2009, has anything changed?......don't look like it, not yet any way.
Palatine cop, mauls over pedestrian at 3:30 am, on a 7 lane highway,
One more example of willful disregard for life or the law, by the law, just think if you or I were driving that car and hit a cop. End of story (our story)