Schwantz and the Village council wants the residents liqured up, intoxicated, drunk
so they can bust em and arrest em while they are robbing em blind.
I'm sure drugs ain't far away, for some, only as far away as the evidence room.
We Need people with responsibility running things, as far as I can tell this is not the case.
How about the bartender putting a marker in the drink or on the skin or a scanner. I'm talking about if a person who is driving or walking? or out side in public, with a arrestable B.A.C level, a marker will be present, to aid in who the person who served the drinks.
Make others, responsible, who provided the consumer with the drug / beverage.
The bartender or bottler could put a traceable substance in the bottle or beverage, that could be read (to determine were the substance was sold from) with a meter, through the piss.
or have the bartender make a marker on the skin that will be current, and related to the consumption
or have a magnetic card that you swipe (finger print reader?), that will keep the data of what was purchased and consumed for 1 week. If the consumer get arrested, run the data base to see were and what the person took.
We must add additional responsibility to those who are serving, allowing to be served, owner of the business serving this killing drug.
How can you love your fellow man, then allow and aid in the administration of dangerous drugs.