Palatine lied in wavered grand jury testimony. The mayor's brother got me to sign the waver, The mayors brother, the cook county states attorney's office and Judge Scotillo knew that the arresting officers testimony was false, pre trial, a lie, perjury must occur for my prosecution and to maintain the illusion of the integrity of the Village of Palatine.. supreme court justice Anne Burke and another (who called me right after the trial, before sentencing (see below)), attorney general, Madigan and cook county states attorney Alvarez and Devine has given approval for this disgraceful, criminal conduct along with 5'500 plus others. This also met State senator's Durbin, Obama and Burris approval. I contacted all senators. I hired 5 lawyers, to get to the truth, but Judge Scotillo, his law bar and extortion powers, persuaded all my lawyers, obstruction of justice, to preserve the lawlessness of a Village is more important. It's against the law to lie to a grand jury, or to wave a grand jury indictment under false pretense. I thought the mayors brother was protecting me, not the dirty cop. I thought (2 time law bar president of Scotillo's law bar) was honest, truthful so when the mayors brother told me to wave my rights to a grand jury. I did.. No one cares. 5 years later, how many similar events occurred, by this one cop? 2 cops? 3 cops? A entire police force? Every department in the entire village? Every village, every cop in the county? Every county in the State? Every state in the United States?

To all foreign visitors Welcome to every day life in America.

The mayors dad, gramps and I, were close friends for decades. Bill went to court with me and watched the Palatine cops make a fool out of them selfs.. When his kid became mayor of Palatine, a proud father that always supported his sons, right or wrong, this life long friendship ended. It's amazing how the power of corruption can change people, you thought were solid as a rock. We did joke about it ..... "will not be able to hang around with the likes of me any more" he's moving up in society.

How come, obstruction of justice, a cover up, perjury, false documents, organized crime, terrorism, bribery, is not a equal opportunity punishment crime? Written law in reality means what? Ethics or a judicial cannon means nothing to a lot of people.

My lawyer (the mayors brother), knew that the Palatine cop's report was false and that the cop's testimony was perjury. My Lawyer (the mayors brother) aided in the obstruction of justice. Mayor Mullins, Mayor Tatooles, Mayor Schwnatz got my "email", along with 5,500? others.

My lawyer was a judge Scotillo's law bar president. The judge ruled his x bar president, mayors brother, incompetent. Must have been part of the game. To look look important. If the judge rules a lawyer incompetent (before the trial began), I would think, I should have the right to get a lawyer that was competent. But it don't work that way, it's all a game played on saps like you and me.

The office of the Cook County States attorney's office (Dick Devine), prosecutor Chandra and co prosecutor Andre, new before hand, the cops testimony was perjury and the police report was false. Did they all lie and mis led the grand jury?

I hired, lawyer # 1, (x president of the judges law bar, mayors brother), lawyer # 2 (governor of the judges law bar), lawyer #3 (maybe he is not a governor?), Lawyers # 4 and 5 (to do the appeal), lawyer # 6. None of them could tell Scotillo nor the mayors brother, nor the prosecutor, nor the cop, that they have made a mockery out of the criminal justice system. Or say, they should be ashamed of them selfs. They created a "you owe me" Scotillo. BesidesAlveraz is the matriarch of the Chicago bar and Scatillo's wife the matriarch of her law bar. If the judge tells you to threw a case or your not going to practice law, I guess a sleaze ball lawyer, has to obey.

I contacted every federal judge down town, every lawprofessor in Illinois, no body cares, but me? The law has no respect for the law. The government has no respect for the government.

The cops were high on drugs during court, or plain & simple, knew there were no penalties for his criminal conduct. The appellate court praised Scotillo for praising a cop (Wenrich) that lied to his face...... who's the fool?

The cop didn't know the color of my car, the road he's on, the town he's in, higher than a kite. All the other cops went along with it. Hunter was sitting right next to him (top state DUI cop, but could not tell Wenrich was tripping out of his mind, the surveillance video should prove this (I told Tatooles, but he didn't care). The shift commander? is now the Chief of Inverness. The chief I think was the one who's kid tortured some one, into a false confession with Alveraz, Madigan, the mayor, village council, council of the council, village manager approval, shoot, it seems with every ones approval. Authorized human right violations. Obama and Durbin, didn't say any thing, i guess it's OK with them. Does it not make them accessories to torture? Madigan and the mayor of Palatine are for sale, call it a campaign contribution or a consulting fee. Blogo talks about it and goes to jail. Like I said in a post, blago should have beenMayor of Palatine.

I think email about a cover-up and obstruction of justice adds federal crimes, to the whole mix. But then, I contacted theFBI, they don't care also.

One of the village council members emailed me and said he don't like my blogs..... not going to change a thing, but don't like my blogs, same with the manager there has been email between the manager and village council. There were a few other return communications. with in the 5,500 emails.

a few visitors came from
this site and this site and this site

5 years go by, nothing changed, except more lies, false documents and perjury, if this ain't terrorism, organized crime, than what is? The Gov and his crime commission are accessories. Senator Obama nor Durbin cares, nor the 98 others. I contacted them all. How many Illinois supreme court justices must I contact, until I get the point, they are just a corrupt as a dirty cop.

Just think, this crap, goes on every day, day in and day out, non stop. The damage to our society, our nation, the world, is incompressible. You think the village manager is clean?

You think law bars are the answer? Chicago Law Bar or the American Bar Association, NO, they don't care. I would assume, saw Schools have a class or 2 about the values of laws in a society and what would happen once the justice system broke down......

I think it's important to be honest, truthful, respectful, to know right and wrong, to be kind to others, neighborly and helping others is a good thing. It seem, I'm just about the only one that thinks this way and I will keep thinking this way. Just because every one else is a crook, has no morals, dishonest, that don't mean I have to be or, the next guy.

This nonstop corruption of law, will be the death of the very society, which law is to protect. If you ask me, this is terrorism, organized crime.

What does a person do, to report a crime? Contact a cop? Contact the village council? Call the mayor? Contact the County states attorney? Contact a judge? Contact a federal judge? Contact the attorney general? Contact the gov? Contact a law school? Contact the senators? Contact the FBI? I CONTACTED THEM ALL and nothing. Most every thing I blog about is public information. You don't need to be a rocket scientist for the rest. A dirt bag is a dirt bag, Plain and simple.

The Palatine Police must have arrested 20,000 or more, people since my arrest. With village, prosecutors, and judicial approval of this disgraceful conduct, I wounder how many other crooked trials, perjured testimony? Just because a cop, States attorney and judge may choose to lie in court, it still don't make it right,

village of Palatine allowed and aided in perjury to a grand jury. The mayors brother was a prime participant (tricked me into signing a grand jury waver) How was I to know that I was in the middle of a scam?

Palatine ordered perjury to grand jury, the judicial knowingly allowed and aided.

Palatine mayors Schwantz, Mullins and Tatooles, obstruct justice. Perjured testimony and false evidence from the Village of Palatine, Village council, police department KNOWINGLY ALLOWED, go before a Grand Jury.

With the ADDITIONAL approval and assistance of Alvarez, Madigan, Quinn, Scotillo, federal, state and county judges, law bars, law professors, and about 5500 others. Quinn's crime commission knew about this, Devine and Obama.


What kind of justice system is this? Every Untied States senator was notified, asked for help..... nothing,

A copy of this blog is probably at a few governments agencies. Will probably last a million years

The Law has no RESPECT for the LAW. A land of lawlessness, lack of responsibility, it's a free for all.

I don't think it is right. Look what happens to me.

Dear Anonymous

I was un able to open the video I received, please re-send another way, maybe I post it

Top state awarded Palatine dui cops, high on drugs during a field sobriety test

Perjury, false documents, tampering with evidence, tampering with a witness, the cover up that follows, would make a normal person sick to the stomach. Twisting the law any way they want, is the Norm in Palatine. I've been working in town for 35 years and I got a good idea of what is going on.

A Palatine cop that said I was 2"? over the line,

the same, Palatine cop, didn't know what color car I was driving,

the same, Palatine cop, didn't know what road he was on,

the same, Palatine cop, didn't know where he pulled me over,

the same, Palatine cop, didn't know town he was in,

the same, Palatine cop, didn't know what state he was in,

A crooked cop's testimony is what case law is based on, but who knows, who's going to complain of perjured testimony, who is going to complain to who? ME, for one, blog a beef. Others should also.

I don't think he was the only Palatine cop, out of his hallucinating, doped up mind, don't forget Hunter (another State awarded top DUI cop) was right there, must have been doped up also (why else did he not do his job and arrest Wenrich)? Lets not forget, Inverness police chief was the deputy chief at the time, Haas, so what drugs was he on when this was going on? Haas was the shift commander the night of the brown's mess, I have a good idea were the cops were that night.

We all know if others who were victim's of the Palatine police department, come forward, what a mess..

Palatine's finest? don't think so, there a lot better people working for the village

All of the judges, D.A.'s, lawyers, villages and others agree that officer Wenrich was, creditable, highly trained, intelligent during my arrest, so I think, we have to rule out death, dumb or stupid.

Maybe they all were on a prescription drug that impaired their highly trained skills, back then and to this day? Maybe they got a note from the doctor at the local union police hall that says they need these hallucinating drugs to function.

Right there in his own police report, backs up every thing I say. Why the mayors brother (defense lawyer 1) would be apart of this cover up (and mayor) instead of honoring his, hers, their oaths, tells you what kind of man, woman, he, she or they are.

The only other explanation, I can think of is drugs, maybe Wenrich wanted to sell me drugs and because I did not want to buy, he arrested me, (this was a common discussion in therapy, what Palatine cops do at 2 in the morning, party hardy "I got drugs" or go to jail).

Where did the Palatine cop get the drugs? Evidence room? or maybe the bar where the new mayor had his kick off party or the bar the new mayor had his celebration party? Roll or shake down a local drug dealer?

Blagojevich's federal judge, is apart of this cover up (just another crooked judge in Chicago protecting a cop high on drugs during a arrest, protecting the very things he has sworn to fight, another judge with no ethics, moral fiber.), so what right does he have being a judge? He should be in jail. There is no written law, on face of the earth, that approves this conduct by the cops, villages, city's, judges, D.A.'s, attorney general. senators.

Why would senator Dick Durbin protects a crooked mayor and her crooked, doped out police force,

Why? is it because of the vote and support of the police union, Durbin becomes a criminal, a criminal law maker.

If he has a law licensed, even worse, that means he has studied the law, is any one going to take it away from him?

Even the president of the United States, as a Illinois senator, Obama's office got a email from me.

He has a law licensed, even worse, that means he has studied the law, is any one going to take it away from him?

Once again, as I see it, silence is content, is contempt to the very fundamental moral, ethics, civil and criminal laws. Since Obama, did not think my email was important, like so many others, what good stuff for the country can we expect from him or any of em.

The very office of the FBI, that I emailed, sees a problem with Blogo, sees no problem with the dirt I informed them of.

A single email was sent by me, to every judge in that court house. So the only conclusion I have, is that silence is content, is contempt. I'm sure some one can find my email, on some one's email server. How many emails does it take to report a crime? Does any one email you back and say thanks, we will look into it? How many emails does it take to get something done?

In my blogs I mention of witnessing, people plan to murder another and another and another, no one cares but me and these people (if they are still alive). Another example of how disgracefulthe judicial and law enforcement recipients of my email are.

Who does a person complain to? and how? Do we follow Drew Peterson's dead and / or missing wife's example and go to the crooked police station and file a dozen police reports?

Go to the local church and ask for help? That certainly did not help the missing wife.

I thought if I could email enough people maybe 1 person might not want to be apart of this obstruction of justice. I was wrong. I thought if I emailed a judge, assumed they had high respect and regard for the law, something would happen. I was wrong.

I'm sure, the only thing that happned is that I pissed off a lot of people.

I would not be surprised if the supreme court justice that presided over the impeachment trial, was the judge I talked to on the phone about this matter.

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Maybe Blagojevich will bring this up, I would think, he know about crooked judges than I do.

Welcome to the corrupt, sick, city government of Palatine.

Do you think this is a isolated incident? or has happened more than once?

Every arrest these cops made, must be reviewed.

Every trial before Judge Scotillo must be reviewed.

Every trial that involved Anita Alvarez, Dick Devine, Chandra, Andre must be reviewed.

Every trial that involved the supreme court justice involved must be reviewed.

Every trial that Lisa Madigan has been involved in must be reviewed.

Mayor Mullins, Mayor Tatooles, and the village boards activities must be reviewed.

I am sure there is a pattern of the dirt I blog about.

It is nice to know, that there is one judge in this country that will not tolerate this crap, Judge Emmet Sullivan. and the new prosecutor, must be be given credit. These two people represent a 2 way street. How can you honor judges that are on opposite ends of the scale, maybe get Webster to re write the definition of honor.

"No, I don't think apologies are necessary," Quinn said after an Earth Day event at the Executive Mansion. "I think, what we want to do is, if people find out things that aren't right, you roll up your sleeves and you correct them. That's what I have believe in all my life."

Judge Holderman, federal judge, guilty of same crimes as Blogo, but worse, aids in judicial cover up of Scotillo's playground

James F. Holderman is the chief federal judge at the US District Court Northern District. is the judge in the Blogo case.

Problem here, is that I contacted his office with my "email". Palatine, Inverness, dirty cops, village councils, Judges, D.A.'s, mayors.

Apparently, it seems Holderman, has no problem embracing, aiding and abetting the obstruction of justice, as long as it is done by a prosecutor, cop, judge, law bar, village, mayor.

He is the judge in the Blogo case who has done the same crimes and have gotten away with it.

When I informed his office with my "email", I hate to bust his bubble and tell him his job, some one should. His oath, responsibility, and the law, requires him to take action. He has chosen not to take action, which I think makes him guilty of more crimes than Wenrich could shake a fist at.

This does nothing but promote further corruption and give a pat on the back to the good ole boys, the buddy system, a double standard of justice.

Let's add the supreme court justice that contacted me (I think but not sure, was the judge that presided in the Blogo impeachment trial). Why did he decide to ignore the law's he was sworn to uphold? (I have a idea, being that maybe Scotillo bought the judge ship from supreme court justice Burk's husband a long time ago and did not want to open any door that may go into that direction) or
I think you will find info at one of these links.

I would think this shopping center owner and his group of judicial friends are not happy with Palatine or me? But when they have a problem they want me to fix, it may be a different thing, they will want me to be honest, diligent, and truthful.

I cannot turn on and off, like most people honesty and truthfulness. I keep it on.

There is no justice here. No respect for the law, no wanting of honesty. If this ain't some type of fractal pattern, of corruption than I don't know what is. How do you reverse monkey 101, before this will be the death of us all?

Once again, what is wrong with truthfulness, honesty or a responsible government?

I think
Judge Emmet Sullivan would puke.,%20Neil%20A.

miracle man

May 1, 2009  I got a emergency call from a parish in Arlington Hts (another long time customer) to fix a couple leaks in a galvanized supply pipe, covered in asbestos (I have had asbestos removal training). I never saw the church so thank full (in a long time).  A miracle that the church found some one they can count on, to save the day.

April 30, 2009  I need to replace a faucet in a fast food hot dog place for a 3 compartment sink.  I will create a miracle by not inflating price, work or making a mountain out of a mole hill.  Update, I found a spout that fit and just replaced that.  I could have replaced the hole faucet and make more money, instead, just replaced the worn out spout and made nothing.

A merchant on Colfax called me to rod out a drain (steady customer (I would say over 3/4 of the business/houses/apartments on colfax, I've done work at, a few (4), I would not work for again, ha, opposit ends, George town, Rio's, discount muffler and Inverlief?)), business is slow for him, so this time, I lowered my price and gave him a residential rate vs commercial rate.  Less money in my pocket.

yesterday April 29, 2009, I do another miracle in Arlington Hts.  A customer of a couple years, called me to rod his sewer, water in the basement.  A few years earlier had another guy dig up his yard and fix the 6" boozy valve.  Apparently the guy did not fix any thing (flapper is gone, bonnet bolts broken off (thus the slice/knife gate don't work), the wheel is welded on the wrong side of a rod).  The flapper is probably stuck at the main, the 2 floor drain connected sump pits that discharge to the out side are actually sanitary pits (even though unsealed clay crocks and that's the way the house was built, floor drains must discharge into building drain) and should be discharged into sanitary drain.  That, when he had new gutters installed and the guy abandon the under ground down spout drains, concrete might have fallen into the risers, which has totally disabled the drain tile.  I rodded out his line again (only with 4" cutter, 6" would not go through), got the sewer open and told him exactly what the story is.  The lies came to a end.

Today April 27, 2009 I do another miracle in Palatine.  A bunch of years ago, when Kurt was around, we dug up a sewer and installed a clean out, roded out the line.  Last year the owner called a guy to rod out the sewer.  He pulled the toilet and rodded the sewer.  The same guy was back Friday to rod out the sewer, he spent all day Friday, Saturday all day with help of another man, they could not open the sewer.  They got ahold of me.  Monday (today) I spent 45 minutes and removed every root from the sewer line.  The miracle was that they called me and I did what others could not do.  I saved this guy a $9,000 sewer repair bill.  I don't know what he paid the other guy.  My bill was $225, I miss calculated this job, I thought it would take me 30 minutes, it took me 45.

This is normal for me, if a person can find me, chances are good I can create a miracle.

Today April 14, 2009 I do another miracle in Palatine.
It seems a couple years ago, the husband was out of town and the wife called a plumber from Carol Stream? because her sump pump was not working. The plumber came out and put in a Weil pump (I had to put my head in the pit cause I never saw a Weil sump pump before (it's huge, cast iron, submersible, blue, with a pressure switch, expensive?, only one sales company in Illinois)). Installed a back up pump and replace the water heater. I opened their sewer (plugged up sewer) from in the crawl space, no more, no less. I provided a miracle to these people today.

Yesterday I did miracle for a Dr. in Arlington Hts.

Bill, (new mayors dad) I have seen do miracles also. I have seen Bill take twisted, cracked, tore apart, bent, mangled, pieces of steel and make them look like it's suppose to look like again. Bill has provided miracles to other people also.
Jim Schwantz new mayor, we should to give him time and all the help we can,

I hope he can do good.

He's walking into a hornet's nest full of corruption.

I can say, I've known Jim's family (grand parents, mom, dad, brothers) for years and years, and they're good neighborly folk, in winter time, for example, Bill (Jim's dad) takes the tractor out and plows the neighbors drive way, other things, he does, is like, weld up a kids broken bicycle if cracked, a busted lawn mower, a mail box, a bbq, little stuff, I've seen it in his shop or in the back of his truck, fixing and welding things that, no one else would touch, you name it, a neighborly guy to strangers, helping other people, Jim's dad, Bill, is OK in my books. Naturally he welds much bigger stuff also.

His dad had been one of my few friends for 30 plus years, has helped me, driving me around or stop by on a job if he wasn't doing any thing or in the neighborhood, buying more than his share of lunches, reaching into his pocket to give me some spending money (not the only one), during this madness I've had with the Palatine police. As a matter of fact he went with me to court a few times. While Tatooles was screwing around with continuances (which I don't under stand because Tatooles and Scotillo are law bar buddies and this, is a defense lawyer's dream, to accuse a cop of being out of his mind at the time of arrest and being able to prove it, evidence provided by the cop).

Baker has terrorized these few friends also (up and down Colfax, left and right). I don't think he got Bill but Bill was worried, I don't think Baker will hit Bill for a shake down now or any time soon.

I would imagine this is the joke around town, for sure, up and down Colfax, lucky for Bill.

Since my arrest, his son decided to run for mayor, now his son is steeping into this crap, It seems, that, I have one less friend, regardless, he will always be a good man, in my books. I guess it's all my fault. These are the kind of friends I have, few, but, real Mc Coy's.

Ha and I have found moon face. one of Bill's kid's, x wife's, mom's, brothers? Jerry was x wife', x husband. I use to ask bill, every time I saw him, what is going on with this guy and that, if he has heard any thing. Jerry was sick, could not smoke in the house, went in the car and there he died. What killed Jerry? Booze, smoking, break up of his marrage and family, or was it he froze to death? All of the above, none of the above or some of the above. I liked Jerry, Jack and Darla?

I did not ask Wenrich to be higher than a kite the night he pulled me over, I did not ask the Village of Palatine to cover it up, I did not ask, the Village of Palatine to produce false documents to a court of law. I did not ask Wenrich to give perjured testimony in a court of law. I did not ask Inverness mayor Tatooles's nor his brother (defense lawer #1 of 5) to aid in the cover up.

I feel this is obstruction of justice
(to say the least), should not be allowed to happen to any one. I am sure it has.

If it happened to me, to that guy and that guy, it can happen to any one

Mullins and her village council had no problem with this any of this, in fact encouraged it.

I hope Jim thinks this is a problem and convinces the village council to change their course of thinking.

Jim will be stepping into on going criminal activity. I would think, a lot of of elected officials do the same. Criminal activities that started way before he thought about running for mayor. But now, he should know before he gets there, and what to do.

For me it is simple, Jim will be either for or against this behavior. He now has a team, he is the head coach, kick off, first game starts shortly.

Let's not forget, he is not a politician yet. I hope Jim makes it, kind of like a grass roots thing. We all want to believe in a good thing. But often reality is much different and what we believe is good, is not.

But none the less laws have been broken and as long as every one is on the law less side, there is no problem.
Sidebar Maybe he will do a bang up job and run for US senator in 2 years. or fumble right out of the gate (I hope not (like I said before, if he's half as good of a man as his father is, he's, all right)), far above the dirt, he's stepping into.

2 years from now, maybe it will be Senator Schwantz?

I provide Jim a opportunity of a life time, like no other person, I am not afraid of the retaliation, intimidation, threats, harm and danger these criminals, I blog about, can do me, so I blog and make public, besides that, there is no forum that I know where I can report such crimes. I hope my blogs can lead to a cleaner, honest, truthful government. Jim can clean up this crap, move forward, show the world what he's made of, let the people of Illinois know that he is not a run of the mill politician. That he is winner, a clean, mean machine.

I'm serious I do not think Roland Burris, should be where he is, Jim, in 2 years, could have a chance to prove to Illinois, that he is the man. and

But he either keeps this type of action in place at the Palatine Police department and other departments, looks the other way or remove and replace with higher quality employees. Create some steps that provide a higher quality police department and village hall for that matter.

I don't hire or fire village employees. I think the mayor and village council has something to do with this.

This activity of a perjury, false document, misleading the court, evidence tampering, a cop so high on patrol, did not know what road he was on, what color car he was following, where he pulled me over and the cover up that followed, as far as I know is criminal.

If you think this was the first, and only, you got to be nuts.

The cops have a union, they have rights. Wenrich said in court, I have no rights Scotillo, and the appellate agreed.

That means Schwantz has no rights also or was it just me? Maybe now, Schwantz has more rights than Wenrich thinks.

So what is going to happen to the criminal part? I don't have to prove a thing, it's all there in there in the court documents.

Arrest me?

I wish more people would come forward, there are plenty of em that can and should.

I hope Jim makes it

Jim Schwantz new mayor, we should to give him time and all the help we can,

I hope he can do good.

I can say, I've known Jim's family (grand parents, mom, dad, brothers) for years and years, and they're good neighborly folk, in winter time, for example, Bill (Jim's dad) takes the tractor out and plows the neighbors drive way, other things, he does, is like, weld up a kids broken bicycle if cracked, a busted lawn mower, a mail box, a bbq, little stuff, I've seen it in his shop or in the back of his truck, fixing and welding things that, no one else would touch, you name it, a neighborly guy to strangers, helping other people, Jim's dad, Bill, is OK in my books. Naturally he welds much bigger stuff also.

His dad had been one of my few friends for 30 plus years, has helped me, driving me around, when he wasn't doing any thing, buying more than his share of lunches, reaching into his pocket to give me some spending money (not the only one), during this madness I've had with the Palatine police. As a matter of fact he went with me to court a few times. While Tatooles was screwing around with continuances (which I don't under stand because their law bar buddies and here is a defense lawyer's dream, to accuse a cop of being out of his mind at the time of arrest and being able to prove it, evidence provided by the cop).

Baker has terrorized these few friends also (up and down Colfax, left and right). I don't think he got Bill but Bill was worried, I don't think Baker will hit Bill for a shake down now or any time soon.

I would imagine this is the joke around town, for sure, up and down Colfax,

Since then, his son decided to run for mayor, now his son is steeping into this crap, I have one less friend, he will always be a good man, in my books. I guess this is all my fault. These are the kind of friends I have, few, but, real Mc Coy's.

I did not ask Wenrich to be higher than a kite the night he pulled me over, I did not ask the Village of Palatine to cover it up, I did not ask, the Village of Palatine to produce false documents to a court of law. I did not ask Wenrich to give perjured testimony in a court of law. I did not ask Mayor Tatooles's nor his brother (defense lawer #1 of 5) to aid in the cover up.

I feel this is obstruction of justice
(to say the least), should not be allowed to happen to any one. I am sure it has.

If it happened to me, to that guy and that guy, it can happen to any one

Mullins and her village council had no problem with this any of this, in fact encouraged it.

I hope Jim thinks this is a problem and convinces the village council to change their course of thinking.

Jim will be stepping into on going criminal activity. I would think, a lot of of elected officials do the same. Criminal activities that started way before he thought about running for mayor. But now, he should know before he gets there, and what to do.

For me it is simple, Jim will be either for or against this behavior, he now has a team, he is the head coach, kick off, first game starts in a few.

Let's not forget, he is not a politician yet. I hope Jim makes it, kind of like a grass roots thing. We all want to believe in a good thing.

I want to blog good things, but I blog real things, I want to blog real good things.

Palatine is a anti ma and pa merchant

I go to this one strip shopping center, store often. Talking to the owner you get a real sense on how Palatine treats it's merchants. Sales down, rent going up, Palatine is not pleasing or helpful but brutal. He aint alone.

Hence, new small businesses, be ware, (as one business owner (ha) to another).

Another example that Palatine is ruthless, and they blame it on the county tax.

I'm not going to tell who this is, because, Palatine is also known for retaliation, intimation. I am sure they will be looking for that merchant, but you can rest assured, it's not a merchant with a inside fix.

They would probably go after him, her or who ever it is, this is across the board, nothing new.

Once again the village council sets the policy.

I hope Jim makes it

Jim Schwantz new mayor, we should to give him time and all the help we can,

I hope he can do good.

I can say, I've known Jim's family (grand parents, mom, dad, brothers) for years and years, and they're good neighborly folk, in winter time, for example, Bill (Jim's dad) takes the tractor out and plows the neighbors drive way, other things, he does, is like, weld up a kids broken bicycle if cracked, a busted lawn mower, a mail box, a bbq, little stuff, I've seen it in his shop or in the back of his truck, fixing and welding things that, no one else would touch, you name it, a neighborly guy to strangers, helping other people, Jim's dad, Bill, is OK in my books. Naturally he welds much bigger stuff also.

His dad had been one of my few friends for 30 plus years, has helped me, driving me around, when he wasn't doing any thing, buying more than his share of lunches, reaching into his pocket to give me some spending money (not the only one), during this madness I've had with the Palatine police. As a matter of fact he went with me to court a few times. While Tatooles was screwing around with continuances (which I don't under stand because their law bar buddies and here is a defense lawyer's dream, to accuse a cop of being out of his mind at the time of arrest and being able to prove it, evidence provided by the cop).

Baker has terrorized these few friends also (up and down Colfax, left and right). I don't think he got Bill but Bill was worried, I don't think Baker will hit Bill for a shake down now or any time soon.

I would imagine this is the joke around town, for sure, up and down Colfax,

Since then, his son decided to run for mayor, now his son is steeping into this crap, I have one less friend, he will always be a good man, in my books. I guess this is all my fault. These are the kind of friends I have, few, but, real Mc Coy's.

I did not ask Wenrich to be higher than a kite the night he pulled me over, I did not ask the Village of Palatine to cover it up, I did not ask, the Village of Palatine to produce false documents to a court of law. I did not ask Wenrich to give perjured testimony in a court of law. I did not ask Mayor Tatooles's nor his brother (defense lawer #1 of 5) to aid in the cover up.

I feel this is obstruction of justice
(to say the least), should not be allowed to happen to any one. I am sure it has.

If it happened to me, to that guy and that guy, it can happen to any one

Mullins and her village council had no problem with this any of this, in fact encouraged it.

I hope Jim thinks this is a problem and convinces the village council to change their course of thinking.

Jim will be stepping into on going criminal activity. I would think, a lot of of elected officials do the same. Criminal activities that started way before he thought about running for mayor. But now, he should know before he gets there, and what to do.

For me it is simple, Jim will be either for or against this behavior, he now has a team, he is the head coach, kick off, first game starts in a few.

Let's not forget, he is not a politician yet. I hope Jim makes it, kind of like a grass roots thing. We all want to believe in a good thing.

I want to blog good things, but I blog real things, I want to blog real good things.

Sidebar Maybe he will do a bang up job and run for US senator in 2 years. or fumble right out of the gate (I hope not (like I said before, if he's half as good of a man as his father is, he's, all right)), far above the dirt, he's stepping into.

But he either keeps this type of action in place at the Palatine Police department and other departments, looks the other way or remove and replace with higher quality employees. Create some steps that provide a higher quality police department and village hall for that matter.

I don't hire or fire village employees. I think the mayor and village council has something to do with this.

This activity of a perjury, false document, misleading the court, evidence tampering, a cop so high on patrol, did not know what road he was on, what color car he was following, where he pulled me over and the cover up that followed, as far as I know is criminal.

If you think this was the first, and only, you got to be nuts.

The cops have a union, they have rights. Wenrich said in court, I have no rights Scotillo, and the appellate agreed.

That means Schwantz has no rights also or was it just me? Maybe now, Schwantz has more rights than Wenrich thinks.

So what is going to happen to the criminal part? I don't have to prove a thing, it's all there in there in the court documents.

Arrest me?

I wish more people would come forward, there are plenty of em that can and should.
What will Jim do?

with a crooked police department?

cops taking pay offs, on drugs, going to court and giving perjured testimony, false documents, tamper with evidence, plant evidence, beat up prisoners, tampering with a witness?

is it same as usual or we going down a different path.

What will Jim do?

when residents come to board meetings and complain that the village lied to em?
threaten the citizens with jail?

What will Jim do?

if he asks the cops to straighten up and they say no, welcome aboard

I would like Jim to clean up this crap, instead of becoming apart of it.


Anita Alvarez, Lisa Madigan and the Gov don't seem to want to clean up this crap.
more accessories, (hey, they got the power to arrest criminals, I don't, they received my email, they are just quid-pro-quo, perfectly happy)

Has he herd or will start hearing, how the cops and the village have terrorized business owners. This town has not been a not a happy camper to the majority.


Change? Will there be "change" when one of the people responsible for the mayor-elect is former District 2 councilman Jim Wilson. That's right, the same Jim Wilson people voted out of office after 25+ years. Mr. Wilson may be gone but he is still a driving force in Palatine politics.

so what is the real agenda of Jim and Wilson?

Jim has a tough job ahead.

The new mayor might say, there will be no obstruction of justice, no hanky panky, on his watch?

Maybe one of the thousands of creeps, friend of creeps or friend of friends of friends of creeps, I have contacted, may choose to harm or maybe murder me, we can add accessory to murder?

A criminal conspiracy is a wonderful thing, this one will never go away.

But, on the other hand, don't worry, the D.A's office, Judge Scotillo and his law bar on the other side of town, a retired Illinois supreme court justice, maybe 800 other judges, every law professor in Illinois, the Illinois attorney general, current gov, a bunch, bunch more, will be a accessories of murder also, so they will probably let this dead dog lay and give who ever did such a thing a pat on the back, it seems like a done deal, before it's done.

Welcome to 1 huge conspiracy for the cover up of a corrupt village in a official capacity.

The new mayor, could contact the village attorneys, but I contacted them also and they are in the same boat as the rest, cover it up. or the other village attorney firm that Mullins is using to sue channel 7 news.

I would bet Baker wont pull over his dad and ask for $

Welcome to one huge pile of do-do

Welcome to Palatine

Before my web sit got taken down (lack of money to keep it going), I had a picture of me and a few others plumbers doing free plumbing work on a home for habitat project in Crystal Lake, (government project, building homes for the homeless? Was not sure how that worked).

Around town I have volunteered free plumbing work to a bunch, who are elderly, sick or to poor to pay. I still try to make a living, mind you.

Point is, some one called me a wack job, he is entitled to his opinion (I think this is still legal), maybe he likes or is apart of the corruption, maybe he would like to suppress or discredit what he can, I don't know. Maybe I am a wack job, trying to do good things and helping people, which these days may not seem normal, but, none the less, I like people being neighborly and friendly.

As far as I know, everything I blog about is true and provable. Believe it or not, I don't like to and try not to falsely accuse. I'm not a lawyer, may get words mixed up, but a horse is a horse and a cup cake is a cup cake, no if's and's or butt's.

I have lived and done work in Palatine for some 35 years (back when there was only one tower) and the 2 restaurants on 68 (Quentin and hicks) had flies buzzing through the busted screens, they had plywood on the dirt in front of the door, so when it rained people didn't have to walk in mud.

I know most of the candidates fairly well or some what;

I was friends with Jim's dad for 35 years, his dad has been in Palatine way longer than me and got the stories to prove it. Bill (Jim's dad) is ok, a honest, regular working guy, has common sense. I fixed some pipes at Jim's dad's and brothers houses, rod out his dad's sewer every couple of years and they pay or I owe him, it always something. We joked about Hummel buying his house. I think I have given Von Sydow a couple of estimates but never did any work for em.

Warren, I've known him maybe 15? years, fixed some pipes at his house a while ago (and he paid),

Vito, don't know other than getting some bagels and taking em to the plumbing supply or trucking company.

How do you fix a corrupt village hall and it's police force?

To be truthful, I would not care, did not care much, about the corruption in town, until Palatine cop, Officer Wenrich, who was out of his mind, arrested me, litterly out of his hallucinating mind . I think he was high on drugs, for me there is nothing else that could explain it. The cover up that followed is biblical.

All explained below or on another blog. Corruption, lyeing, dishonesty, sneaky, hiding things aint good and just breeds more and sooner or later it becomes a monster. One person cannot be the issue, it is across the board, wide spread.

It seems like I am the only one concerned about this. Palatine has all ready given me the boot, but I got customers and other people I still do business with (until the police and village threaten them not to do business with me (yes, that is right, I have seen it before re;bones). Yes with corruption you get intimidation.

Gave Harry the boot, but this was age discrimination. If your city hall you can get away with murder. What is a cop going to do, arrest the mayor and loose his job at the same time?

Corruption has countless ways and means. Maybe blogging will help clean things up, what else is there to do? Bribe some one with so much money so he will get out of dodge?

Harness the good out with the bad.

man, my eyes arnt clear this morning, maybe I need new glasses, this is really tough

I think many of Palatine civil servants have profited illegally.

some have not, take their job serious and do a outstanding job for the village, even in the light of this long time corruption
I heard, Mayor Mullins become a millionaire and then some

on her $22k per year salary?

Update! $22k per year salary is if she attends board meetings, since she don't, her salary is $15k per year (as pointed out by "anonymous" Thank you for letting us know, that she does not attend meetings enough to qualify her for the $22k. But maybe she does meet the minimum attendance for the $22k income.

I saw 3 of em, and each one was pathetic, I could not stomach another. see this link

Council members have off shore and or tax havens (seems a little strange to me, but I guess not really. Fred Hall, guy that was in charge of the park district had one also (this is not surprising to me). look way below.

What was a surprise to me, was, that a couple council members cleaned up the Brown's chicken crime scene on the request of the police chief and the Mayor quashed a investigation into this activity.

back to the mayors source of income;

The city of Palatine has paid her $1.5 million dollars in benefits (based upon $75k x 20 years)

We have to add what she got, when she sued the city, the city insurance company (all the same to me). If this happened to me, chances are the insurance company would drop me or jerk up my rates. Did the insurance company drop Palatine or jerk up the rates?

We have to add her village credit cards, as a matter of fact, I would like to see what these charges have been. I mean who is complain? and get fired at the same time?

How about adding the $650k for selling her 80? year old house on a 1/2 size lot (with lien(s) on the title) (let's not forget the village passed a ordnance to pay those liens, if any one ever sued)

Thanks to the village council for this statue of guarantee, other wise, the Harris bank probably would not let Mullins sell the property to Hummel. As far as I am concerned all of em aided and abetted, grand theft (stole the service from those who did work on the property and didn't get paid), this Village council is wrapped up in 1 huge criminal conspiracy or a billion little ones.

We have to add the hidden money she gets from SALF (I think it is hidden, cant find any thing to Mullins on the SALF expense site, I think it is right there but in disguise of another expense).

I hope there is no tax problem here?

At this point I guess she is well over 1 million $, millionaire, hey don't get me wrong, I wish ever one was a millionaire, but the point is hook or crook (how and where that money came from)

There are a bunch of off shore or tax haven accounts around town.

How about some other perks, pay offs, bribes, that we could probably find

Maybe this is what is driving the candidates for her job.

let me say something

A customer called me the other day, had a flooded crawlspace. He had other people (who deal with cracked walls and water proofing) come over and give him huge estimates. I could have played right along, what does the home owner know. But instead, as always, I fixed the problem and did not sell him a bag pile of BS.

Sure a $3k job would be a lot nicer than 1 hour at $125.

But I did what I thought was the right thing.

This is the kind of guy I am.


Another customer called me the other day, went to his house and looked at what was on his mind. for a lasting solution would cost $4, 5, maybe 6k, but I told him a solution that would solve his immediate problems. Go to home depot, then do this and that. A no charge 1 hour helping some one.


I rodded a sewer the other day for a customer..........(thinking, a lot of other days, hahahahah) but, a long time ago they called me for a estimate to replace their sewer. I said I wont give you one, cause you do not need a new sewer.


Get this, a lady in a Winston Park, back yard is 53, has a dip in her front yard. She got 8 estimates to replace her sewer line. When it was my turn, I said you do not need a estimate. There is nothing wrong with your sewer line, the ground just settled. This was very disturbing to her, how could 8 people say there is something wrong and I say there is nothing wrong. I put my camera in her line, showed her nothing is wrong and left. No charge, just trying to help another person. Heck, the house is still there probably with the same major dip.


These examples are a typical day or when ever they occur, I could dig up hundreds, thousands, millions? of examples.

This is just the way I am, and every one in town knows it,

so when they throw their crap in my face, I just throw it back.

They are throwing illegal BS in my face, and I throw it back and it stinks to high heaven.

To me, they are just like another rip off rooter company, trying to sell a rotten bag of goods.
No one seem interested or concerned about;

One home owner can do one thing and the and the guy across the street cant do the same.

Addressing the lies that the mayor and village council have made to citizens.

The police force use of drugs on and off duty.

The issue about people leaving Palatine sober, especially a bar on city property.

Cops pull overs and wanting pay offs.

At alarming rate, people in custody of the Palatine police seem to be accident prone.

Cops beat up people on a traffic pull over.

A revocation of Mullins lien guarantee.

A discussion on what laws we can twist around and what laws we must obey (should be no twisting).

Indictment and arrest of Mullins the village council and Police department, park district officials.

Clear up these off shore bank accounts, tax havens.

Beside having a substation to arrest the Hispanics, how about a substation to handle Hispanic needs.

How about a bac and urine test, before and after duty of the Palatine Police and frequent spot checks.

How about a citizen review board

Arrest those who aided those in the building department to violate state plumbing codes.

The Arrest of those in the building department who removed inspector Gary after he failed stairs on Hummels Smith St project.

How about a over haul of the building department.

How the age discrimination firing of Harry Lemm.

How about the alcohol served at village function.

Bribes and extortion by other village members.

The good ole boys mentality.

Cops loafing on the job, parked for hours and hours behind shopping centers.

Village licensing crap (I talked to a guy who runs a small store front, says the city is brutal)

How about a cop to visit each business and asking how can we help you? Instead of parking on their property for hours and then saying to the owner, you got a problem with it.

How about rescinding every ticket Baker wrote, based upon, the fact he does select full targeting, takes bribes, intimidates, harasses merchants.

How about searching who put the liens on Mullins house and pay the liens.

The arrest of Palatine cop Wenrich, Hunter, Inverness chief Haas, mayor Tatooles and Mullins.

The arrest of all others who aid and abet criminal activities.

How about a audit for each employee of Palatine.

How about a audit for each branch of government in Palatine.

How about a camera out side of Jim's kick off bar and all the rest.

How about a audit of all the Hummel companies.

How about a investigation into Mullins personal relation ship with Village attorneys.

How about a restart of the investigation of the Palatine Police department that Mullins Squashed.

Arrest and the removal of pension, benefits, the real criminals in Palatine government and you might get something done.

None of these candidates can do any thing they talk about, Mullins and her dirt is across the board, with or with out her. Basically same ole crap just a new face.
(thanks Vito, I like this site)