Judge Holderman, federal judge, guilty of same crimes as Blogo, but worse, aids in judicial cover up of Scotillo's playground
James F. Holderman http://judgepedia.org/index.php/James_F._Holderman is the chief federal judge at the US District Court Northern District. http://us-court-northern-district-of-ill.blogspot.com/ is the judge in the Blogo case.
Problem here, is that I contacted his office with my "email". Palatine, Inverness, dirty cops, village councils, Judges, D.A.'s, mayors.
Apparently, it seems Holderman, has no problem embracing, aiding and abetting the obstruction of justice, as long as it is done by a prosecutor, cop, judge, law bar, village, mayor.
He is the judge in the Blogo case who has done the same crimes and have gotten away with it.
When I informed his office with my "email", I hate to bust his bubble and tell him his job, some one should. His oath, responsibility, and the law, requires him to take action. He has chosen not to take action, which I think makes him guilty of more crimes than Wenrich could shake a fist at.
This does nothing but promote further corruption and give a pat on the back to the good ole boys, the buddy system, a double standard of justice.
Let's add the supreme court justice that contacted me (I think but not sure, was the judge that presided in the Blogo impeachment trial). Why did he decide to ignore the law's he was sworn to uphold? (I have a idea, being that maybe Scotillo bought the judge ship from supreme court justice Burk's husband a long time ago and did not want to open any door that may go into that direction) http://nalert.blogspot.com/2008/03/chicago-democrats-and-chicago-mob.html or http://illinoiscorruption.blogspot.com/search/label/Corrupt%20Courts
I think you will find info at one of these links.
I would think this shopping center owner and his group of judicial friends are not happy with Palatine or me? But when they have a problem they want me to fix, it may be a different thing, they will want me to be honest, diligent, and truthful.
I cannot turn on and off, like most people honesty and truthfulness. I keep it on.
There is no justice here. No respect for the law, no wanting of honesty. If this ain't some type of fractal pattern, of corruption than I don't know what is. How do you reverse monkey 101, before this will be the death of us all?
Once again, what is wrong with truthfulness, honesty or a responsible government?
I think Judge Emmet Sullivan would puke. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/08/us/politics/08stevens.html?n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/People/L/Lewis,%20Neil%20A.
Problem here, is that I contacted his office with my "email". Palatine, Inverness, dirty cops, village councils, Judges, D.A.'s, mayors.
Apparently, it seems Holderman, has no problem embracing, aiding and abetting the obstruction of justice, as long as it is done by a prosecutor, cop, judge, law bar, village, mayor.
He is the judge in the Blogo case who has done the same crimes and have gotten away with it.
When I informed his office with my "email", I hate to bust his bubble and tell him his job, some one should. His oath, responsibility, and the law, requires him to take action. He has chosen not to take action, which I think makes him guilty of more crimes than Wenrich could shake a fist at.
This does nothing but promote further corruption and give a pat on the back to the good ole boys, the buddy system, a double standard of justice.
Let's add the supreme court justice that contacted me (I think but not sure, was the judge that presided in the Blogo impeachment trial). Why did he decide to ignore the law's he was sworn to uphold? (I have a idea, being that maybe Scotillo bought the judge ship from supreme court justice Burk's husband a long time ago and did not want to open any door that may go into that direction) http://nalert.blogspot.com/2008/03/chicago-democrats-and-chicago-mob.html or http://illinoiscorruption.blogspot.com/search/label/Corrupt%20Courts
I think you will find info at one of these links.
I would think this shopping center owner and his group of judicial friends are not happy with Palatine or me? But when they have a problem they want me to fix, it may be a different thing, they will want me to be honest, diligent, and truthful.
I cannot turn on and off, like most people honesty and truthfulness. I keep it on.
There is no justice here. No respect for the law, no wanting of honesty. If this ain't some type of fractal pattern, of corruption than I don't know what is. How do you reverse monkey 101, before this will be the death of us all?
Once again, what is wrong with truthfulness, honesty or a responsible government?
I think Judge Emmet Sullivan would puke. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/08/us/politics/08stevens.html?n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/People/L/Lewis,%20Neil%20A.