A forensic examiner, investigating the mayor, has vanished into thin air. She's said to have been fired by the Attorney General office and the Schiller Park police department doesn't know her whereabouts either. http://www.illinoiscorruption.net/index.html
How many $ millions of dollars of Government money is missing, unaccounted for? $10, $20, $30 million bucks, $100 million? People keep on ending up dead or missing. She ain't the first. I have already established cold hard facts, that not even the courts have respect for the courts. Not even at the federal court building, down town. It's a free for all, no ethics, responsibility or accountability, organized crime in the courts, in the law bars, at city hall, at the governors office, with in the crime commission, attorney generals office, law schools........ every where.
Where did the millions in federal dollars go? Why aren't the Congressmen who arranged the funding - Kirk, Johnson and Shimkus (dead relative(s) and some how cremated, before autopsy) (are) still in office - calling for an investigation?
All roads lead to the Palatine city hall..... and the mayors office.
At some point, some one, from the feds are going to be looking for those missing earmarks and other money issues (extortion, bribes, shake downs, tax havens) that have and will be popping up, linking, death and missing people, next?
Schwantz was informed of crimes with in the village hall, instead of cleaning things up, he became a willing participant (some crimes have a timeless statute of limitations, the phrase co-conspirator, obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, malfeasance, comes to mind). If you ask me, he's just one more person not to trust. Maybe Hummel is going to buy off Schwantz, like he did, Mullins (kooked like it to me), maybe Schwantz wants more? Who knows? Bottom line, is that if and since Schwantz is aware that his police force or fellow council members committed crimes, Schwantz, would and has looked the other way......... To me a jerk, is just one of many low life names that are reasonable.
Moral of the story is, make a campaign contribution and you can, buy your self a worthless politician, cop, judge, mayor, a county prosecutor, Attorney General and some one might throw in a law bar or 2. Lets not forget a governor, crime
commission and a bunch of senators. Give a bribe and call it a consulting fee, deduction, on your tax liability.
All legal, all go to church, all hold babies, all got their hands in each other's pocket. All cover their backs. All got the dirt on each other. If one goes, they all go. Give plenty of cheap talk and promises, the public won't know the difference and besides, if they do, who cares? What're they going to do?
The American public has a bad case of the Stockholm syndrome?
Legalized organized crime. Home grown terrorist.
Hey, you guys recall the incident last year where a cop mauled down a pedestrian at 68 and 12 at 3:00 in the morning. The emergency traffic lights were supposedly working? Taking photos, as the cop speed threw the intersection? Well yesterday around 5:35 pm they weren't (the cop with lights on, siren flashing was stuck in the turn lane for about 2 minutes? I waiting for the emergency traffic light sensors to kick on, but they didn't. If a cop says their on, I guess their on? TO ME, off is off, on is on, plain and simple.
I wounder wha
t ever happened to that poor kid. Another justified reckless homicide? or a justified reckless act to turn a kid into a vegetable? Cops investigating Cops ... Same union? Different locals? If this ain't a no brainer, than I don't know what is. The potential for a legalized cover up, is high, very high.
If you wanted the truth, a unbias investigation, a third, non affiliated party would be the answer. But look at the 3 party, investigation of the Browns chicken murders..... Massive corruption in the village of Palatine. Nobody wanted to make corrections. It's to cozy up on top, why change, thus nothing changed other than corruption had the chance to grow, a green light, to expand with confidence.
What does Schwan
tz know about CDC giving $2.633 million to SALF, while SALF treasurer is CDC deputy director, mayor Mullins is sectary, Spizzirri is president?
What does Schwantz know about "Tom Ahlbeck was unwilling to reply to the email. However, through a phone conversation, he said the last audit was June, 2006. Which, if true, means Carol Spizzirri lied to the Homeland Security. Moreover, if true, then the question is, who has been auditing SALF since?" ......... Where there's a Spizzirri, there's a Mullins, theirs a CDC deputy director, theirs a Illinois attorney General and more. Now there's Schwantz..
ALL roads lead to the Palatine City Hall..... and the mayors office
Q. Can you go to jail for com
mitting perjury?
-- Anonymous
A. Yes, you can go to jail for perjury. Essentially, the crime of per
jury is the making of a materially false statement under oath with the belief that the statement is false. Under federal law, perjury is puni
shable by up to five years in jail. The length of any jail term, as with all federal crimes, will be determined by application of the United States Sentencing Gu
idelines. Perjury is also an offense under state laws.The purpose of the perjury statute is to keep the process of justice free from cont
amination of false testimony. Perjury is considered a serious affront to courts and the administration of justice.
The best known form of perjury is fals
ely answering a question while testifying as a witness at a trial. Before you could be found guilty of perjury, the Gov
ernment must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you knew what the question meant and that you gave knowingly untruthful and mat
erially misleading answers in response to the question. In other words, your knowledge and reasonable understanding as to what is meant by the pers
on asking you the question is critical to a determination of whether you committed perjury. Further, the Government has to prove your state
ment was false at the time you made it. False testimony which is result of honest mistake or inadvertence does not constitute perjury.
ry is applicable not just to criminal proceedings, but to, among others, bankruptcy, civil service, selective service (draft board), immigration and grand jury proc
In addition to perjury constituting a crime in itself, a defendant can be subjected to increased pun
ishment under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines for providing a materially false statement to a judge, a law enforcement officer conducting an investigation into the c
rime for which she was convicted, or to a probation officer preparing her pre-sentence report.
It is very important that if you are g
oing to take an oath to tell the truth that you do so. If you have concerns about what may be asked of you, you should consult an experienced criminal defen
se lawyer in your area who can review the facts of your situation with you and assist you in making important decisions as to your testimony.
. How stupid is this? We all know, it doesn't apply, to every one, as a matter of fact, hardly any one..
Perjury applied to Martha Stewart, she had to go to jail. The Government had to make another example of how perjury laws apply to every one but them self's.