Palatine, a village where, no body cares
Another pedestrian walk button not working, pavement markings getting worn away, commuters sitting at the bar on city property getting hammered/then driving home, a city hall that sits on their ass, doing nothing but telling each other how great they are. Schwantz leading Palatine to new levels of disgrace.
Why would u not, want to make sure all pedestrian walk ways are working, and the pavement markings well defined?
I guess if a cop can recklessly and negligently maul down any one they feel like, at any time and not be held accountable. A down town that is set up to serve 2,500 drinks per hour and not be held accountable. A city hall that approve and encourage false court documents, perjury, obstruction of justice, torture and not held accountable............ screw a button on a pedestrian walkway.
The motto of the Palatine village hall is something like "screw the world, we got the courts, judges, the attorney general, governor and our own law bar in our pocket, we are invincible".
I just don't think it is right...... By the way, the pot hole on the other side of the street is still there, nasty and dangerous as ever, nobody has done any thing, nor has any one from the village contacted me to say thank's for the other nasty and dangerous pot hole I filled.