How about if their buddies in the police department extracted a false confession from each village council member, one at a time, on video so we can watch? Let us watch as the police chiefs kid make make every one of them, confess to a home invasion or a mugging or a drug deal, across town.
Its legal regardless of the methods used. Illinois Attorney General, Mayor Daily, Derbin, Alvarez don't seem to have any interest to prosecute, let alone talk about it, heck the 2 us senators don't seem to mind also, I guess, as long as it ain't them that's the recipient.
Schwantz and his village council are such idiots, they have no idea what human rights are?
Maybe get the Chicago cops to help.
Schwantz have no problem with a cop that lies to his face, if the fire department provided false documents, obstruction of justice, cover ups, bribery, extortion, blackmail, and they go to church? Maybe the same one
After this video, let's sit down and talk about it.
.What a bunch of loser's, to have the citizens of Palatine pay the mayor and village council to over see different methods of torture and pay people to do this, human right violations, at pleasure.
I guess king Hummel don't care what his pesents do to them selves, as long as he gets his cut.