and I thought he was the most credible, wrong again.
He personally approve of the cop that lied under oath, presented false documents, and that was higher than a kite, on drugs, flipping out hallucinating in my case, at my arrest.
He personally approves of Bratchers methods of extracting false confessions from innocent people.
A village manager that has no problem and supports, lies, false documents, cover ups is a bad village manager.
Another shell of a man with no shame, no conscious, no guilt, no moral fiber, so rooted in corruption, sees no wrong. I guess wikip
edia definitions mean something to different to him
. Another mistake, I made, giving a person more credit than due.
What is Ottesen's take? We all know what and who bought his predecessor, Cassedy.
The only thing I will give Ottesen is, that if he don't play ball their way, he'll get fired, so maybe he is trying to make the best out of a rotten situation, no matter how you look at it. Between a rock and a hard spot, but, in another sense, he made his bed, and now he must lay in it. No one twisted his arm. A capo of orginized crime.
As I reviewed the city code, there are, penalty limits for
certain stuff, but, I think the state or fed may choose to differ.
With the mayor on board, this is a village out of control, just a changing of the guard, (jury still out on Del Mar).
I guess there is, or could be, a RICO folder with his name on it. It certainly seems like organized crime to me.
To have a cop, to be able to pull any body into the station and beat a confession for something he did not do, to file a report that is totally not true, to lie in a court of law, with the aid of the D.A.'s office. Support of such activity is a terrorist, organized crime or something. Not only that, the entire court system (federal and state) in Illinois, the Attorney genera's approval and every elected official I contacted. This is just beyond comprehension, a total lack of dignity and respect. There are major problems here, and I am the only one that seems to care. These people may have documentation and titles that say they are the pillar of society, but they are only pillars in their own mind.
Sec. 13-2. Appointment and removal of the chief of police.
The chief of police shall be appointed by the village manager with the approval by a majority vote of the Corporate
Authorities.. The person appointed as chief of police must have achieved a baccalaureate degree from an
accredited college or university prior to the date of appointment. The chief of police shall serve at the pleasure of
the village manager and may be removed by the village manager at any time thereafter. (Ord. No. O-108-76. §1,12-13-76; Ord. No. O-4-86, §1, 1-13-86) (Ord. No. 0-16-02 §4, 1/28/02)
Sec. 13-3. Supervision and control of the chief of police.
The village manager shall be the immediate supervisor of the chief of police, and all policies, directives and orders
from the village to the chief of police shall be made by or transmitted through the village manager. The chief of
police shall report directly to the village manager and not to the Mayor and Village Council or to individual
members thereof. (Ord. No. O-108-76, §1, 12-13-76) (Ord. No. 0-16-02 §4, 1/28/02)
Sec. 13-4. Powers and duties of the police chief generally.
The chief of police shall direct the administration and operation of the police department and in addition to policies
transmitted to him by the village manager, shall establish such other policies, directives, rules and regulations for
the administration and operation of the
department as he sees fit, and provided in written form to all employees.
The chief of police shall have the authority and responsibility for fiscal management of the police department
within the fiscal policies and procedures established by the village manager and Corporate Authorities. The chief
of police shall serve as appointing authority for appointment to any position within the department other than his.
http://www.palatine.il.us/assets/1/code_of_ordinances/Chapt_13.pdf .
If the weather outside turns frightful this winter, the village of Palatine will be ready with a contract for snow removal. The Village Council approved a contract with R. L. Hummel Construction to plow snow in the village. The contract includes a $15,000 mobilization fee to guarantee the services and exclusive use of equipment. Village officials sent out 35 bid packages for the job of plowing three snow routes; Hummel was the only one to respond. "We're saving residents a significant amount of money, on average about $35,000 (a year)," Village Manager Reid Ottesen said. "We don't want to maintain a constant staff for snowplow operations in anticipation for a 10-year storm." Ottesen said ...
http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1N1-110D9F17E87FF738.html .
oh by the way, what Ottesen did not say is that the village repairs all of Hummel's equipments, gets like $75k per for the first 2" and more after that? Hummel's equipment is moved into the warn city garages/city equipment is moved out side (it's all a well known secrete).
What did Hummel donate to Ottesen, during the $billion dollar construction Blitz? A consulting fee? A re-finance for some one,through Hummel's bank? A special deal loan? A room addition for some one? A new home? Something out of state maybe?
.The Hummel brewery/building.