World olympics in Chicago? are they nuts? not a good idea
.I noticed this blog got a viewer from Zurich, a little while ago,
I say
.If you represent or are apart of, the Olympic committee, and you are still considering Chicago, your nuts, out of your mind. Ask any one in Chicago, as far as I know, police torture, still goes on. You want to subject/expose world citizens to this?.
I think, Mayor Daily is so corrupt, every thing looks A-OK. in his eyes, who's going to say, hey boss, your not thinking right?
Just like the navy, if you don't like it, your going to get thrown over board. Piss always goes down, hard to piss up.
But I would guess, the olympic commite all ready know this, They probably have had people in this town and every town for some time, reporting what is real and what is not, providing he or they are telling the truth (a lot of court approved dishonst people over here).
Then you read, about how Illinois Attorney General Madigan reported, that Illinois, has no money in the budget to prosecute the Chicago Cops, that tortured residents of Chicago, back, when Mayor Daily was sitting across the street as the Cook County State Prosecutor and supposedly didn't know a thing about it. hummmmm..... personally, I don't believe any of this for a second, just, another couple people in public office, ling through their teeth, If Daily didn't know about what the cops were doing, then should be arrested for being so stupid. Look 30 years later, the city sold the parking meter operation, in a quick no bid, hush up deal, to the company his brother works at, for $10 billion bucks, hummmmm..... I think this looks fishy also, but then when Obama became senator, his wife took nice bonuses, when the state awarded her company contracts, this looks fishy also..... but nobody called that a kick back, bribe, influence peddling, sounds fishy to me.
Torture, crimes against humanity, seem to be a "no problem" in Chicago, Palatine, Cook County, Illinois, and the USA?
Where was Obama during this torture in Chicago? Was he even in Chicago? Maybe he was still in Hawaii? At some point, though, in Chicago llegally, getting paid to collect huge money from the wealthy and passing it onto his buddies, who then pass it on to their friends, in the name of charity? Man o Man, how does a person land a job like that? One of his friends, associates, neighbors? use to blow up government buildings and kill? His other neighbor was a mob king pin that sold adjoining piece of property? Blogo's wife sold Obama's their mansion?.. hummmmm..... almost like a who's who, look this stuff up on the Internet
Palatine, is a little burb of Chicago, (how else do you extract false confessions, a quote from police chiefs son, in a Cook County court of law). hummmmm..... another subject, nobody is talking about, I am not surprised in the bit.
I do not think the Olympic community is ready for Chicago. Maybe when people get tired of all this stuff, we can get onto good thing. Any one ever hear the saying - good things be gets good things, bad things be gets bad things. I think it is true.