Scotillo, still a judge, corrupt and still praising him self, a true leader of organized crime, a healthy no respect for the law

I wounder how many other lawyers, who have paid Scotillo off, bribed him, obstructed justice with him, covered up crimes with Scotillo were right there praising Scotillo. Let's not forget about federal charges of mail and wire fraud.
I can assure you, my complaint, of this man's crimes, with my trial, was right there in the minds of many at his party, but many are to afraid, don't care, go with the flow attitude, to do any thing, which I think might make them willing participants of crimes a lot greater, than that of the Illinois top dui cop, of Palatine, Wenrich, Hunter, Haas and their buddies and their drug usage that night.
.I hired 5 defense lawyers and none of them could say in front of the court reporter. Officer Wenrich was giving, have gave perjured testimony, that the assistant states attorney along with the previous defense attorney, knowingly providing, instructing and aiding the cop to do so, along with false documents knowingly being presented to the courts. You can't get much more corrupt than this? besides a bribe. I would bet there is that also. Most of them are Scotillo's law bar officials, if this aint organized crime than what is? and the new Mayor, Schwantz, is up to his eye balls in it.
The judge, D.A's office and cop made it law that cops can make up charges, report what they did not see and it becomes law. Thes cops must love how they got these crooked judges, D.A.'s eating out of their hand.
Have any of you been pulled over by a cop that was hallucinating, staggering, waving his gun, mumbling, the look on his face? I have and yes it is scary, this cop, 5 years later is still on active duty. Being protected, now by Schwantz.
Right there in the court documents, public information. They are the ones that tampered with evidence, which is now court documents, which is all the evidence I need to call a cop a Liar and any one that involved, is a accessory. Many by now are involved. These people of law know, that this criminal conspiracy, will never run out of time, but then, the law is what ever the judge says it is.
Until these self serving criminals stop, nothing will change in this country. There is no greater good for man kind here, just plain ole corruption.
I did not ask for this mess, I just don't think it is good to have people lie to other people, then protect their lies with more lies. I think honesty is a better policy. I thought some one would want to clean up this little mess and get on with the good work, police, D.A.'s and judges do or can do. But instead every one seems to think this is the greatest thing since a foot ball helmet and want me, to shut up and go away, all because, I am the only one that thinks honesty is a better policy, and will fight for it. .... (I hope there is more than me).
Look up "wire fraud" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wire_fraud, It seems the judge's Law bar governors that received my email and laughed, are not only accessories, but are guilty of wire fraud.
I sent some "email" copies via US mail, to all chief judges, in cook county and Scotillo, One judge responded, it's not his problem, so can we add mail fraud, to each of them? for not taking appropriate action?
I would not be suprised if Scotillo didn't buy his judgeship from a Burk a long time ago.
Personally, I would not trust any of these people for the time of the day. I would trust some one I met on the street corner, far more than any judge, cop, lawyer or elected official.
AAA is only 100 feet from the entrence of Scotillo's law bar, have they done any thing for this organazation, ever?