Schwantz promotes and aids in seizure of private property, Police depatment, knowingly, provides, false documents to courts

. Village condemnation of property where the Sears Essentials store is located, cause city don't want to pay market value (it's, steal the property or have a good ole boy, buy it, then sell it to the city for double or triple market value, so the boys, can then split up the cash). Re;Menards deal is a perfect example.
Schwantz, would rather go along and condemn property where a Sears store is, steal the property and build a new and bigger police station. http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=300806j, http://www.journal-topics.com/topics/09/top090618.10.html.
What property is next for Schwantz and his village council to raid, take from the rightful owner? . Just great, looks like another Mullins, but in different clothing.
This action, (I believe) is a bold face turn around from his campaign pledge to get retail merchants into these vacant store, so more people can buy more things? (some thing like that), so .Jim's word is not his bond?. Reneging on campaign promises, just after month in office.
Charlie and Judy watch out, your shopping center might be next.
.Why don't these idiots think about a larger building and add a city hall to it (we all know a new village hall is down the road (it's only money). .
Personally, I think, it is the criminals in charge that are the problem. They paid for a study that says one thing, I can pay for a study that will say another, who is kidding who.
How many other properties has the village, park distirct, et al., has been condemed?
This can happen to any residents and business, at any time, at the crooked village councils pleasure.
.As far as I know, Walgreens would be very, very, very happy, if their long term lease went away, any one follow, kick backs from this angle?.
Any one from the village help Joe the shoe peddlar, with his little shop? He might be calling me one of these months to rod out his sewer, at his house.
Any one from the village help the comic guy, with his little shop?
Any one ask Marie, why she moved, her business (a mile away)?
The village has not been friendly to the merchants at this plaza for a long time.
I've done work at this site, as a matter of fact one of the coldest watermain breaks, ever. Problem here is you have to shut down the water for the old folks home on the corner. I think the manager was archway realitor (couple hours south)? Watermain breaks, curb stop and manhole repairs. I would always take my equipment, for no additional charge sweep the parking lot, as a matter of fact, I think I bought my equipment several other times to swept the parking lot, for no charge. They always paid me.