Why Anita Alvrez (Cook County state prosecutor) Richard Devine (past Cook County state prosecutor), Tod Strogers, Lisa Madigen (Illinois attorney general) her father, the FBI, Dick Durban and Obama (emailed both senators) or all the other judges I contacted (federal, judges, chief judges, female judges, male judges, white judges, Hispanic judges maybe African American's), has not done any thing about crimes I have described, makes me wounder about their culpability, I think they can be added to the list of co conspirators to the obstruction of justice, cover up, aid and abetting. I have contacted members of the Illinois senate also. 3500 emails sent out, every faculty member of every Illinois law school, law bars, you name it. Why do they all want to protect a police force high on drugs, a police force that is out of their mind, corruption? Why encourage all this crap? Is beyond the wildness imagination.
This behavior must be so entrenched in the fabric of their lives that they just cannot let it go and do what they can to keep things the same.
If any thing happens to me, you can add accessory to murder in the conspiracy? I would guess harm to me has crossed some of the criminal element I blog about.
Citizens complained at village meetings and were threatened with arrest (evidence in the video's). Citizens complaining at village board meetings, about village board members lying, misrepresenting facts, malfeasance. At the first hint of these groups of town folks (at village meetings, on video) accusing the village board of corruption, should have sparked concerns by the police. But didn't.
I emailed this new commission. Some place I blogged what the commission should recommend, simple and to the point, they could add 500k pages but not necessary, simply, cut out and replace those who are corrupt, make being corrupt a little more uncomfortable and less easy, accountability, responsibility and transparent.
Maybe some people don't know what they are doing is corrupt or wrong? People trying to do good to other people is a much better than doing not good things. I can't think of any thing else I can do about cleaning up some dirt, blogging is about the only thing left to do. I'm sure some people don't think this is a good thing, but some times, good things come in strange ways.
home of double standards
home of court approved false police reports
home of court praised perjury, false testimony
home of volume discount bar on city property with free parking
home of cops on drugs, on duty, on patrol with the approval and blessings of Judge Scotillo and others
what about evidence tampering?
what about screwing around with finger prints?
what about witness tampering?
I guess this is court approved also, only if done by law enforcement, prosecutors and judges?
(right there in trial transcripts, Scotillo praised this cop, any which way, till no tomorrow, which only encourages the cop and/or makes the cop laugh hardier at the screwed up court, gives the entire police department a good laugh at the judge, maybe the judges is laughing also)
Every one left out of testimony that the cop was higher than a kite upon arrest (but the arrest report is all you need to verify this), What is Tatooles the mayor of Inverness going to do, if his brother mentions Wenrich was high on drugs during a arrest. The court recorder records and when the Palatine cops or fire department refuse to go to Inverness on a emergency? But it don't matter, Wenrich's false testimony, backs up his false report, that Palatine Police officer Wenrich was higher than a kite during my arrest.
or is dumber than a stump, a pathological lair, maybe there is another, reason for his actions.
You think Wenrich is the only cop in Palatine higher than a kite on patrol. Maybe he got the drugs from the narc o, squad, I've herd storys to make a person sick. Maybe Drugs came from the chief and that is why Mullins has squashed investigations of her police dept.
Where did the drugs come from, that cause Wenrich not to know what road he was on or where he pulled me over, what color car he was following, or for that matter, I'm not sure he knew the town he was in (right there in the report). Where did the drugs come from that Wenrich was on, 5 years ago? Then this was continued into the court room.
Double standards was made law by judge Scotillo, and the appellate.
The only job Wenrich had before becoming a Palatine cop was a bar bouncer. Nice to know he had work experience (re;court transcripts). I wounder where that bar was?
The law enforcement oath of honor another joke or just a joke for some?
On my honor I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust.
I will always have the courage to hold my self and others accountable for our actions.
I will always uphold the Constitution, my community and the agency I serve.