entire village, police, fire, township, park district, mayor, village council, public works, is protecting these dirty cops
and would rather hide exculpatory evidence, conceal, cover up, aid and abet, become willing criminal accessories, to a ongoing criminal conspiracy (I did not write the laws, (due to the nature of Wenrich's false police report, perjured testimony, and the cover up that followed, 20 years from now, 30 years from now, this will still be a ongoing criminal conspiracy. Maybe 40 years from now the government and courts may take these charges, crimes a lot more serious and a D.A. that wants to remove a double standard, may come knocking)), obstruction of justice and jail time. If this blog ain't enough to throw most officials of Palatine in jail for a long time, this one will; http://judgescotillo.blogspot.com/
Palatine is a city of organized crime.
Palatine knowingly provided false documents to the courts.
The courts knew and know, the documents were false.
The D.A.'s office knew and know, the documents were false.
(it's right there in the arrest report and testimony)
Quite a few knew, Officer Wenrich (top dui cop), was higher than a kite, hallucinating ripped out of his mind, while on patrol, during my arrest, assisted by Hunter (another top dui cop) during my arrest. Honored by Judge Scotillo and the D.A's office for this event.
Kind of pathetic, state of Illinois awarded top dui cops, making a dui arrest, while they are out of their mind, in a altered state of conciseness. Inverness top cop Haas, was deputy chief at that time, I believe. I also believe (being a plumber in town for 35 years) this was and is a routine normal occurrence.
(it's right there in the arrest report and testimony)
Why would Mayor Mullins squash a investigation of her own police department?
Any one recall the Brown's Chicken mess?
Why would chief Bratcher have a couple council members clean up the crime scene, sooner than later?
I got a good idea where the cops were that night. last night, will be tomorrow night.
Mayor's brother Tatooles, seemed to have greased associate judge Scotillo, Scotillo's boss judge Urso (I sent Uros the "email", US mail, hoping to let him know of corruption in his court house, thinking he would take appropriate action), (look on the other blogs how chummy (discovered much later) they all are, or maybe greasing was not necessary, and it was their pleasure to aid in the corruption of the Palatine Police department and or the Cook County District Attorney's office and or the Court system of Cook County. No was action taken, so I guess this corruption is acceptable at the Rolling Meadows court house), add appellate judges JJ, O'malley, McNulty, Tully. D.A., to the cover up. Intimidated a supreme court justice?, to look the other way, (why else would he look the other way, (he might have been the judge that presided over the Blogo trial), maybe some day, some one will ask this judge, why he called me (I assumed to offer help), knowing of the obstruction of justice (same 8? page letter, I gave to about 20 people, after the trial), then just turn your back and walk away. Walking away is always easier. Who will know? Often, I guess it is between that person and them self's, if they feel good about walking away from the responsibility of reporting a crime, from a crime being committed, a crime that they were made aware of, what u going to do?
With all of this crap, could I have been indited by a grand jury? If these people can lie in a court of law, with no consequences, I guess they would lie to a grand jury. I would bet upon a investigation, many instances could be found, that have occurred, where the D.A's office and cops have lied to grand jury's. I would bet that if the evidence I provide in my blogs were presented to a grand jury, many people would go to jail, but until double standards are cleaned up, nothing will change. If the average Joe Shmo, you or I did 1/2 the stuff that these people have done, we would be in jail.
the corruption in Palatine gets better,,,,,,,,,, (not funny), but much worst, Palatine has a csi and Palatine has it's own judge, to crucify, more of it's own citizens, with, more false reports, perjured testimony and corruption.
Law for sale, Palatine has blue light specials.
Inverness police chief (Haas) was deputy chief of Palatine when this event occurred. Haas did not know his department was doing drugs on duty? Nor did the police chief? What kind of Kooks are running the police department?
Cook County court system looks like organized crime to me.
Palatine Police officer Wenrich knowingly gave the courts a false police report and testified to this validity of this false report, D.A., judge Scotillo, a supreme court justice, the 5 member defense team, the village of Palatine, Inverness knew this false report and testimony. As a result, the courts praised a Palatine cop or 2, that was high on drugs at the arrest and gave him, a continue to do a good job pat on the back.
Also, all Cook County Chief judges have been notified and seem to approve, (as one, chief judge response, was basically, "not my problem..... (his problem)", but he had the guts to have his law clerk reply, at least you got to give him credit for that (I think it's every ones problem)), so let there be no mistake, no one is going to jail. Unless your a regular citizen committing the same crimes.
You would think that the courts and D.A's would get Wenrich off the street right away, instead of the good ole boy stuff.
But these people, seem to have made a commitment to sustain this corruption (status quo) to maintain the life style they have become accustom to, at any cost to the greater good of this country.
You would think Chief judge Urso, of the Rolling Meadows court house, would let the other judges know that he and a few other Palatine cops lie under oath, enjoy perjury and false reports at their pleasure. So the judges could take that under consideration when listening to these police.
NO, wont happen.
For Wenrich's head to roll, others would have to roll also, so this is why Wenrich can do as he please.
So then, many chose to, facilitate a on going felony and accessory to obstruction, a cover up for a on going conspiracy. Some are guilty after the fact, many are guilty during the initial phases of these crimes.
Wenrich, Hunter, Baker, Haas or some dirt bag cop, maybe a cop from the union hall, might want to murder or harm me, they would probably get away with that also. Look at Drew Peterson's wife's, a lot of good it did them when they contacted the authorities. No accessory to murder there, so I doubt, would be here.
All this hissy fit, cause when a cop (weather he is higher than a kite or not), pulls me over, went to court, convicted, I expected the truth, especially if I hired 5 lawyers to extract the truth, the only thing every one was concerned about, was covering every ones back. I guess no one can accept there is a major problem here. When I was no longer the property of Judge Scotillo, I thought I could tell my story to some one that cares. hahahahahahahaha, aint that a joke, but, I care for a lot of things that people don't seem to care about, I would not want this to happen to any one else (sure it does, every day). I think this subject is important.
All of this to cover up Palatine cops, high on something during arrest.
I would bet upon further examination of arrests by the Palatine Police department, would find much more of the same.
I would bet upon examination of other documents with in the Village, would find much more of the same.
I would bet upon examination of warrants or taps requested by the Palatine police force, would show cops have lied here also.
If they (Wenrich, Hunter or Baker and who ever else) can lie in front of one judge (as in my case), than go across the hall and lie in front of another judge, there is nothing, preventing unlimited obstruction of justice with a free pass. This is home grown court approved terrorism, and worst.
I do not think this is good and who am I? just a plumber.
The fox guards the chicken house, nice and cozy...... (not for the chickens)
Village attorney's aid and abet http://palatine-dirt2.blogspot.com/ I emailed all of them, but nothing, I guess they will loose their job if a village fired them, and if word got out, that they choose law and order, over municipal corruption of the city they represented. If there was no double standard, each lawyer would loose the law license and face criminal charges. But who is going to arrest them, Wenrich, Baker, Hunter, Haas and his Inverness force? Tatooles, Chandra, Andre or Scotillo? Urso?
A Lieutenant in the Palatine fire department got the same 8 page letter (after sentencing) from me about my version what happened, as did many others. He had no problem with the criminal actions of the police department. Around election time, I emailed the fire department, they all stick togeather...... birds of a feather flock together. A few more people in Palatine not to trust. But then who is going to arrest a fireman or a department for a obstruction of justice, accessory, aiding and abetting, the crooked police department, they are covering up for? Maybe Wenrich shares his drugs with them also? So we have a matching police and fire department, corrupt and drugs? Perfect match for the mayor and council. What does a bar tender to say to a smashed fire chief when the bartender says, "haven't you had enough" and the fire chief says "what cop is going to pull me over, now pour me another"?
Who will arrest who?
Why Anita Alvrez (Cook County state prosecutor) Richard Devine (past Cook County state prosecutor), Tod Strogers, Lisa Madigen (Illinois attorney general) her father, the FBI, Dick Durban and Obama (emailed both senators) or all the other judges I contacted (federal, judges, chief judges, female judges, male judges, white judges, Hispanic judges maybe African American's), has not done any thing about crimes I have described, makes me wounder about their culpability, I think they can be added to the list of co conspirators to the obstruction of justice, cover up, aid and abetting. I have contacted members of the Illinois senate also. 3500 emails sent out, every faculty member of every Illinois law school, law bars, you name it. Why do they all want to protect a police force high on drugs, a police force that is out of their mind, corruption? Why encourage all this crap? Is beyond the wildness imagination.
If any thing happens to me, you can add accessory to murder? Perhaps harm to me has crossed some of the criminal element I blog about.
Citizens complained at village meetings and were threatened with arrest (evidence in the video's). Citizens complaining at village board meetings, about village board members lying, misrepresenting facts, malfeasance. At the first hint of these groups of town folks (at village meetings, on video) accusing the village board of corruption, should have sparked concerns by the police. But didn't.
I emailed this new commission. Some place I blogged what the commission should recommend, simple and to the point, they could add 500k pages but not necessary, simply, cut out and replace those who are corrupt, make being corrupt a little more uncomfortable and less easy, accountability, responsibility and transparent.
Maybe some people don't know what they are doing is corrupt or wrong? People trying to do good to other people is a much better than doing not good things. I can't think of any thing else I can do about cleaning up some dirt, blogging is about the only thing left to do. I'm sure some people don't think this is a good thing, but some times, good things come in strange ways.
home of double standards
home of court approved false police reports
home of court praised perjury, false testimony
home of volume discount bar on city property with free parking
home of cops on drugs, on duty, on patrol with the approval and blessings of Judge Scotillo and others
(right there in trial transcripts, Scotillo praised this cop, any which way, till no tomorrow)
Every one left out of testimony that the cop was higher than a kite upon arrest (but the arrest report is all you need to verify this), What is the mayor of Inverness going to do, if his brother mentions this so the court recorder records, when the Palatine cops refuse to go to Inverness on a emergency? But it don't matter, Wenrich's false testimony, backs up his false report, that Palatine Police officer Wenrich was higher than a kite during my arrest.
or is dumber than a stump, a pathological lair, maybe there is another, reason for his actions.
You think Wenrich is the only cop in Palatine higher than a kite on patrol. Maybe he got the drugs from the narc o, squad, I've herd story to make a person sick, with that alone. Maybe from the chief and that is why Mullins has squashed investigations of her police dept.
Double standards was made law by judge Scotillo, and the appellate, from perjured testimony of a drug infested Palatine police department's patrolling and tripping (hallucinating) officer Wenrich on duty, making an arrest , endorsed by the Village, Lisa Madigan, Anita Alvarez, Law bar, village attorney's and many many more.
The only job Wenrich had before becoming a Palatine cop was a bar bouncer. Nice to know he had work experience (re;court transcripts). I wounder where that bar was?
What do you think of the new Illinois reform Commission? http://illinois-reform-commission.blogspot.com/ 2 members received email last year from me. Do you think any thing has been done? I doubt it. Subsequently, the law makes them accessories to all this crap also (after the fact or unwilling participants, cover up or something). So this means the new governor Dan Quin has appointed a criminal element and corrupt members of the commission to investigate corruption and criminal elements. If this aint BS, I don't know what is. So I guess this means with out a doubt criminals in the courts and governments will continue to walk
A corrupt government of biblical proportions. If you or I do one thing wrong or even a hint of wrong doing, we're going to jail or getting arrested. It is a one way street.
Has any one looked up racketeering? RICO? and its time limit?
Has any one looked up criminal conspiracy? and its unlimited time limit?
I don't think it is right to have cops lie, and I really don't think it's right to perjure under oath or provide false reports, in a court of law...... or any where, I really don't think it's right to have 2 villages, a bunch of judges and a host of others cover it up and praise these cops like no tomorrow. I am sorry, apparently many feel it is OK, but I don't. I also think when some one accuses some one of a crime, there better be no be hanky panky.
I was arrested by Palatine police officers. Wenrich and probably Hunter (sitting right next to him for 2 hours) were high on drugs. Instead of the village getting rid or getting drug treatment for these cops, the entire village of Palatine and Inverness, wants to sweep it under the rug, pretend it did not happen. I have been a plumber in town for 35 years. Dispatch, all cops who were apart of the arrest, shift commander, deputy chief (now police chief of Inverness - Haas), police chief, a major cover up which also involves mayor Mullins, Tatooles, 2 village councils, 2 police departments, a law bar, 1 retired supreme court justice, 1 appellate, 1 trial judges 1 D A's office. They all hanged me out to dry and went on their mary way, in this BS scam of major proportions. Still to this day these cops, Palatine, Inverness, Judge Scotillo, da's office are doing the same thing, non stop, they all go to the same churches, bars, restaurants, grocery stores. Except they did not hang me high enough or long enough.
I was in maybe 5, 6, or 7, 4th of July parades in Palatine, I sponsored the Village public softball and foot hockey teams (along with a bunch of other grammar school teams), for many, many years. I always thought these people, were a better person than turning a blind eye to crimes by one of their own. I also thought that what they were better, than they turned out to be. Again I miss judged people I thought were my friends.
I never liked or had much respect for people that lie and supported such, don't care who they are, I bet, I am not alone, we just got to deal with it the best we can.
I'm no angle but there are no role models or good examples of government on this blog.
One of the women who works in community development department of Palatine said to me "I should be glad I didn't go to jail", I think this is the woman, where as, I fixed a sink hole in her back yard 15? years ago..... another courtesy to the village by Mike Mars
6 months ago a Palatine resident called the community development department asking for my phone number, her kitchen sink would not drain, needed rodding out and wanted to call me. Community development said "I need to take out a permit before she could give me this information". The lady got my phone number from a neighbor.
Me, Mike Mars a state of Illinois licensed plumber, state of Illinois licensed plumbing contractor, state of Illinois licensed CCCDI (cross connection control device inspector (back flow device)),
Me, Mike Mars a state of Arizona licensed plumbing contractor, state of Arizona licensed back flow inspector, licensed Phoenix journey man plumber, gas fitter and mechanical. needs a permit to rod a 20' kitchen sink drain in Palatine..... if this aint a crock, what is?
The community development department is 1 of many centers of corruption in Palatine, in the form of bribes, extortion, pay offs, contracts, bids, the demolition of Palatine it's self.
A few may recall, this story is about the building department letting a x-fireman do major, commercial plumbing work, then threaten the plumbing inspector with removal of needed health insurance for his sick wife, if he said anything. People in Palatine knows who I'm talking about and the related messes. The fire chief was probably involved in this cover up also. When Harry asked where is the licensed plumber on the job, then, shut the job down, the x-fireman then most likely called his old boss and they made up a story about smelling alcohol on the inspectors breath. Harry tried to do his job, to follow and enforce the Illinois State Plumbing Code, but Harry's bosses forced him to look the other way and violate the law. I am sure this was not the first. After that this guy could do what ever plumbing he wanted, with no inspection. Harry was never allowed near him, some jobs were disasters of the highest degree. Harry was let go because of "old age". This is age discrimination, another violation of the law, why Harry don't sue the village, is beyond me, the mayor can do it (claims she was on official Palatine business in Washington DC, hurt her self workmen comp claim but wants more), so why can't Harry. http://palatine-mayor-rita-mullins.blogspot.com/
Welcome to the corrupt Village Hall of Palatine, this is nothing new, just a new twist.
I rodded the sewer at Gary's old house last week, he was a Village of Palatine inspector, who lost his job after failing a defective set of concrete steps on inspection (water would not drain off, thus, they would freeze in the winter). This was one of Hummel's Palatine projects. Word had it is that Hummel was pissed, cost him a couple thousand dollars to fix it. I would bet, after that, no one failed or questioned any thing done by Hummel.
How come the city can't plow there own streets?
Where is officer Baker, every city salt truck, with plow, salt, spreader, is over weight!!!!!!, what about CDL?
Where is officer Baker, checking for CDL's and weight with Hummels drivers of heavy equipment?
Baker is just 1 more dirty cop in Palatine.
Baker told another plumber who has a small dump truck that he can get a ticket for being over weight, even though he wasn't, a bunch of tricks as to where the tires are, on the scale.
Baker along with Wenrich is another terrorist running around with a gun and badge, that can do what they please with the law. Who is going to complain?
Here is another baker story?
A load of gravel leaves a Algonquin pit with a state certified scale weight ticket, delivers the load to DesPlaines destination where another state certified scale weights the load. Weight is the same as the pit.
but, here comes Baker (this might have been a State Police assist)
pulls him over, weights him, gives him a $3500? ticket and lets him go on his way.
The driver said he can't fight it, by the time he pays a attorney (who is probably crooked along with the prosecutor and judge), time off work, and probably lose any way, what the heck can I do?
Sound pretty cut and dry to me. The guy probably would not pay the discount for road side cash, just like my brother.
I herd this from a merchant in Palatine who herd this from the trucker.+
West of 53 on Lake Cook Rd. to Rand Rd. (rt. 12), apparently has a weight limit. I never saw a warning at the exit of 53 of this little ...... no, huge, money maker. But to be fair, any salt truck with plow would be over weight. Do you think the state or Baker, hit any county snow plow? Scam city
Wenrich a Palatine cop, told the court I was on a road that does not exist, the judges praised him and believed him (right there in the report). Maybe some one aught to tell the department of transportation, it is law that the highway does not exists or maybe some one aught to tell the post office, or tell google earth that the road does not exist because a cop high on drugs said so, and the corrupt departments in the village of Palatine, Cook County judicial system, Made it law.
How about this, maybe 500k times, courts (Judges, cops, D.A's, IDOT) have ruled Wenrich, judge Scotillo, the appellate, this group of D.A's, the village of Palatine is wrong.
But in this one case, the whole world is wrong, Judge Scotillo, the appellate, a group of D.A's and the Village is right with a Palatine Cops hallucinating drug experience while on patrol, on a arrest.
I paid about $60k in additional worthless lawyer work only to discover, the fix, cover up, scam was on and not coming off. They Play Scotillo's fix or his wife will kick them out of the law bar she runs.
So what we have here is that the appellate court ruled judge scotillo's group to protect a cop high on drugs during arrest was correct, creditable, accurate and a great service to the community.
So that means the 500k cases before my trial and after words, are wrong and have to be resided, because the higher court ruled Wenriches perjured testimony, is correct. The higher court always trumps lower court decisions - this means until a higher court over rules, the speed limit on that road is not what the Illinois department of transportation and the 500k other judges say it is.
Does that mean all the judges, tickets, testimony by cops, D.A.'s that have ruled against Scotillo and the appellate are in contempt of the new law?
It means a cop can go in front of one judge, say one thing, then go across the hall, say the opposite at the same time have judges and D.A.'s on both sides of the hall, pat em on the back and tell em what a great job they are doing.
That mean all correct testimony in every other case in not correct. Illinois Department of Transportation is in violation of Scotillo's law by saying the facts of Wenrich are not correct.
That was 5 years ago and I am sure Wenrich goes into other court rooms and this testimony is in direct opposite as given in my trial. Which would not correct because higher court ruled false facts are facts.
This is a typical every day, run of the mill trial in the Cook County Court system, that was court approved lawless. Most people are to afraid to come forward because,
where is the proof?
what's the use?
who you going to complain to?
what's going to happen?
nothing will happen.
If we want to see some real law and order. We should watch the TV show, law and order. They seem to have some rules D.A.'s, judges and cops must follow.
Wenrich's perjured testimony, false police report, my emails, have been reviewed by some very important people and he has no problem lying to their face?
Wenrich is suppose to be the best Palatine has to offer.
I think he amongst others, knowingly manipulate and have a designed disrespect of the law, others who, by accident, by lack of knowledge, or something, disrespect the law, are different, but those players in my case have knowingly manipulated and disgraced..... all of us.
I contacted all the churches, in town, so did Drew Peterson's wife. That church didn't care and that tells you exactly, what the back bone of that church is all about.
God don't give a person many chances to show what they are made of. It does happen and I was able to help provide this opportunity. It is not a nice view, but to some, I guess this view is fine, A-OK.
People fail to realize that these idot cops, judges, D.A.'s that lie in court, must lie out of court also, to fellow colleagues, in professional or personal matters, on the clock or off, on a regular basis. Total out of control, next thing you know every thing out of their mouth is a lie, then their life's become nothing but lies. At some time, it gets out of control. Scotillo, mayor Mullins, Tatooles, Alvarez, Madigen may think this is OK, but I don't.
Plenty of evidence, here, a person don't have to spend weeks, months, or years of investigation to throw a bunch of corrupt people in jail. I never asked a Palatine cop, that was high on drugs to pull me over, to arrest me, to file a false police report, to give false testimoney. I did not ask Scotillo, the D.A's office, defense team, 2 villages to cover up.
I just gave every one the opportunity to be corrupt or not. Now we can see who is what.
You cannot have the cake and eat it too.
The entire village accepts this behavior, I don't. Welcome to Palatine.
I, go where few dare to go and I got the balls to do it.
We all make mistakes in life, some are bigger than others.
Little ole me who lost every thing, Trying to tell the justice system, they were wrong, that I was arrested by some cops that were higher than a kite (on drugs?), the testimony was deliberate and false, evidence was deliberate and false also. That these cops are making a fool out of the legal justice system at their own entertainment.
I am in and may remain in poverty, for some time or life.
I tried to get a corrupt cop, police force, village, D.A's office, Scotillo, the appellate, a supreme court justice, a locale law bar association (I tried to get all the law bars in Illinois to recognize that truth and honesty is a good thing - but they didn't care - If they don't play corrupt law with corrupt judges, they'll be black balled - we all know it, that's how it is), I tried to get some thing good, honest, respectful going, in a very corrupt environment but got squashed.
At times like these a person really knows where his friends are. It seems since I can't and wont, lie, cheat or steal, my friends are fewer and hardships are many. I am not going to change, i think honesty is the best policy.
I still think that night when Wenrich saw me in my corvette, wanted to sell me some of the drugs he was on. What do you do in a siguation like that, a cop high on drugs pulls you over? I should be lucky, I guess, he didn't shoot me, who know what he was on. Scary if you ask me, I doubt those are the only 2 cops on drugs while on duty or show up sobor. Scarier is that he and the rest are still on patrol and the judges, D.A.'s and the village love him, the deputy chief got his own police department of Inverness now.........that's scary. My defense lawyer 1's, brother is and was the mayor of Inverness.
When it is over they all retire with a pension and the next group of thugs take over.
If I could find a lawyer to sue the village for every penny they have, I would. I never asked for a cop that was out of his mind to to terrorize me, the village to employ such people and the village to aid and abbet.
You would think in a reasonable world that the mayor would call me up to thank me, apologize, assure me that the police department is being cleaned up right now. Or the police chief or a council man or how about Judge Scotillo, making a apologize? to call me or any one, how about Wenrich?
Some of you may think I know a lot, but I know very little. I use to focuse on customers calling me and doing a good job, helping people around town, sponcering, base ball teams, plowing out people for no charge when snow would get to deep, fill in pot holes that no body elese is filling in, picking up crap in the middle of the highway that every one is driving around, working on homes for habbitat. You can't help hear words on the street and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see what is going on with your own eyes.
If I was not busted, by a couple of Palatine Cops high on drugs, who lied to the judge's face - under oath, provided a false police report to the court, judges praising and encouraging this activity, the whole of a village or 2, I worked in for the past 35 years, aware and endorsing this crap, I would not be doing these blogs. My values say this is wrong. I did not ask a drug infested cop to pull me over and lie about the facts, like if it's no big deal. A cop then goes across the hall and tell another judge the opposite. A bunch of cops, D.A's, and judge's that mocks what ever criminal justice is. When I go to court, I use to figure that is one place were there is law and order, a higher standard.
I think it is my responsibility to help make the world a better place, for people to be nicer to others, no matter what little corner in life, no matter what pocket of the globe I'm at or where any one's at, no matter what the odds are. Just try to do the best you can and if it aint good enough, try again? I came across some dirt of biblical proportions, how do you fix it?
A commuter hit by train. Did you ever wonder why the Village of Palatine relocated a bar on to city metro property, rent free, next to the metro garage, and moved the metro station across the street and charge them rent?
Palatine is a city of organized crime.
Palatine knowingly provided false documents to the courts.
The courts knew and know, the documents were false.
The D.A.'s office knew and know, the documents were false.
(it's right there in the arrest report and testimony)
Quite a few knew, Officer Wenrich (top dui cop), was higher than a kite, hallucinating ripped out of his mind, while on patrol, during my arrest, assisted by Hunter (another top dui cop) during my arrest. Honored by Judge Scotillo and the D.A's office for this event.
Kind of pathetic, state of Illinois awarded top dui cops, making a dui arrest, while they are out of their mind, in a altered state of conciseness. Inverness top cop Haas, was deputy chief at that time, I believe. I also believe (being a plumber in town for 35 years) this was and is a routine normal occurrence.
(it's right there in the arrest report and testimony)
Why would Mayor Mullins squash a investigation of her own police department?
Any one recall the Brown's Chicken mess?
Why would chief Bratcher have a couple council members clean up the crime scene, sooner than later?
I got a good idea where the cops were that night. last night, will be tomorrow night.
Mayor's brother Tatooles, seemed to have greased associate judge Scotillo, Scotillo's boss judge Urso (I sent Uros the "email", US mail, hoping to let him know of corruption in his court house, thinking he would take appropriate action), (look on the other blogs how chummy (discovered much later) they all are, or maybe greasing was not necessary, and it was their pleasure to aid in the corruption of the Palatine Police department and or the Cook County District Attorney's office and or the Court system of Cook County. No was action taken, so I guess this corruption is acceptable at the Rolling Meadows court house), add appellate judges JJ, O'malley, McNulty, Tully. D.A., to the cover up. Intimidated a supreme court justice?, to look the other way, (why else would he look the other way, (he might have been the judge that presided over the Blogo trial), maybe some day, some one will ask this judge, why he called me (I assumed to offer help), knowing of the obstruction of justice (same 8? page letter, I gave to about 20 people, after the trial), then just turn your back and walk away. Walking away is always easier. Who will know? Often, I guess it is between that person and them self's, if they feel good about walking away from the responsibility of reporting a crime, from a crime being committed, a crime that they were made aware of, what u going to do?
With all of this crap, could I have been indited by a grand jury? If these people can lie in a court of law, with no consequences, I guess they would lie to a grand jury. I would bet upon a investigation, many instances could be found, that have occurred, where the D.A's office and cops have lied to grand jury's. I would bet that if the evidence I provide in my blogs were presented to a grand jury, many people would go to jail, but until double standards are cleaned up, nothing will change. If the average Joe Shmo, you or I did 1/2 the stuff that these people have done, we would be in jail.
the corruption in Palatine gets better,,,,,,,,,, (not funny), but much worst, Palatine has a csi and Palatine has it's own judge, to crucify, more of it's own citizens, with, more false reports, perjured testimony and corruption.
Law for sale, Palatine has blue light specials.
Inverness police chief (Haas) was deputy chief of Palatine when this event occurred. Haas did not know his department was doing drugs on duty? Nor did the police chief? What kind of Kooks are running the police department?
Cook County court system looks like organized crime to me.
Palatine Police officer Wenrich knowingly gave the courts a false police report and testified to this validity of this false report, D.A., judge Scotillo, a supreme court justice, the 5 member defense team, the village of Palatine, Inverness knew this false report and testimony. As a result, the courts praised a Palatine cop or 2, that was high on drugs at the arrest and gave him, a continue to do a good job pat on the back.
Also, all Cook County Chief judges have been notified and seem to approve, (as one, chief judge response, was basically, "not my problem..... (his problem)", but he had the guts to have his law clerk reply, at least you got to give him credit for that (I think it's every ones problem)), so let there be no mistake, no one is going to jail. Unless your a regular citizen committing the same crimes.
You would think that the courts and D.A's would get Wenrich off the street right away, instead of the good ole boy stuff.
But these people, seem to have made a commitment to sustain this corruption (status quo) to maintain the life style they have become accustom to, at any cost to the greater good of this country.
You would think Chief judge Urso, of the Rolling Meadows court house, would let the other judges know that he and a few other Palatine cops lie under oath, enjoy perjury and false reports at their pleasure. So the judges could take that under consideration when listening to these police.
NO, wont happen.
For Wenrich's head to roll, others would have to roll also, so this is why Wenrich can do as he please.
So then, many chose to, facilitate a on going felony and accessory to obstruction, a cover up for a on going conspiracy. Some are guilty after the fact, many are guilty during the initial phases of these crimes.
Wenrich, Hunter, Baker, Haas or some dirt bag cop, maybe a cop from the union hall, might want to murder or harm me, they would probably get away with that also. Look at Drew Peterson's wife's, a lot of good it did them when they contacted the authorities. No accessory to murder there, so I doubt, would be here.
All this hissy fit, cause when a cop (weather he is higher than a kite or not), pulls me over, went to court, convicted, I expected the truth, especially if I hired 5 lawyers to extract the truth, the only thing every one was concerned about, was covering every ones back. I guess no one can accept there is a major problem here. When I was no longer the property of Judge Scotillo, I thought I could tell my story to some one that cares. hahahahahahahaha, aint that a joke, but, I care for a lot of things that people don't seem to care about, I would not want this to happen to any one else (sure it does, every day). I think this subject is important.
All of this to cover up Palatine cops, high on something during arrest.
I would bet upon further examination of arrests by the Palatine Police department, would find much more of the same.
I would bet upon examination of other documents with in the Village, would find much more of the same.
I would bet upon examination of warrants or taps requested by the Palatine police force, would show cops have lied here also.
If they (Wenrich, Hunter or Baker and who ever else) can lie in front of one judge (as in my case), than go across the hall and lie in front of another judge, there is nothing, preventing unlimited obstruction of justice with a free pass. This is home grown court approved terrorism, and worst.
I do not think this is good and who am I? just a plumber.
The fox guards the chicken house, nice and cozy...... (not for the chickens)
Village attorney's aid and abet http://palatine-dirt2.blogspot.com/ I emailed all of them, but nothing, I guess they will loose their job if a village fired them, and if word got out, that they choose law and order, over municipal corruption of the city they represented. If there was no double standard, each lawyer would loose the law license and face criminal charges. But who is going to arrest them, Wenrich, Baker, Hunter, Haas and his Inverness force? Tatooles, Chandra, Andre or Scotillo? Urso?
A Lieutenant in the Palatine fire department got the same 8 page letter (after sentencing) from me about my version what happened, as did many others. He had no problem with the criminal actions of the police department. Around election time, I emailed the fire department, they all stick togeather...... birds of a feather flock together. A few more people in Palatine not to trust. But then who is going to arrest a fireman or a department for a obstruction of justice, accessory, aiding and abetting, the crooked police department, they are covering up for? Maybe Wenrich shares his drugs with them also? So we have a matching police and fire department, corrupt and drugs? Perfect match for the mayor and council. What does a bar tender to say to a smashed fire chief when the bartender says, "haven't you had enough" and the fire chief says "what cop is going to pull me over, now pour me another"?
Who will arrest who?
Why Anita Alvrez (Cook County state prosecutor) Richard Devine (past Cook County state prosecutor), Tod Strogers, Lisa Madigen (Illinois attorney general) her father, the FBI, Dick Durban and Obama (emailed both senators) or all the other judges I contacted (federal, judges, chief judges, female judges, male judges, white judges, Hispanic judges maybe African American's), has not done any thing about crimes I have described, makes me wounder about their culpability, I think they can be added to the list of co conspirators to the obstruction of justice, cover up, aid and abetting. I have contacted members of the Illinois senate also. 3500 emails sent out, every faculty member of every Illinois law school, law bars, you name it. Why do they all want to protect a police force high on drugs, a police force that is out of their mind, corruption? Why encourage all this crap? Is beyond the wildness imagination.
If any thing happens to me, you can add accessory to murder? Perhaps harm to me has crossed some of the criminal element I blog about.
Citizens complained at village meetings and were threatened with arrest (evidence in the video's). Citizens complaining at village board meetings, about village board members lying, misrepresenting facts, malfeasance. At the first hint of these groups of town folks (at village meetings, on video) accusing the village board of corruption, should have sparked concerns by the police. But didn't.
I emailed this new commission. Some place I blogged what the commission should recommend, simple and to the point, they could add 500k pages but not necessary, simply, cut out and replace those who are corrupt, make being corrupt a little more uncomfortable and less easy, accountability, responsibility and transparent.
Maybe some people don't know what they are doing is corrupt or wrong? People trying to do good to other people is a much better than doing not good things. I can't think of any thing else I can do about cleaning up some dirt, blogging is about the only thing left to do. I'm sure some people don't think this is a good thing, but some times, good things come in strange ways.
home of double standards
home of court approved false police reports
home of court praised perjury, false testimony
home of volume discount bar on city property with free parking
home of cops on drugs, on duty, on patrol with the approval and blessings of Judge Scotillo and others
(right there in trial transcripts, Scotillo praised this cop, any which way, till no tomorrow)
Every one left out of testimony that the cop was higher than a kite upon arrest (but the arrest report is all you need to verify this), What is the mayor of Inverness going to do, if his brother mentions this so the court recorder records, when the Palatine cops refuse to go to Inverness on a emergency? But it don't matter, Wenrich's false testimony, backs up his false report, that Palatine Police officer Wenrich was higher than a kite during my arrest.
or is dumber than a stump, a pathological lair, maybe there is another, reason for his actions.
You think Wenrich is the only cop in Palatine higher than a kite on patrol. Maybe he got the drugs from the narc o, squad, I've herd story to make a person sick, with that alone. Maybe from the chief and that is why Mullins has squashed investigations of her police dept.
Double standards was made law by judge Scotillo, and the appellate, from perjured testimony of a drug infested Palatine police department's patrolling and tripping (hallucinating) officer Wenrich on duty, making an arrest , endorsed by the Village, Lisa Madigan, Anita Alvarez, Law bar, village attorney's and many many more.
The only job Wenrich had before becoming a Palatine cop was a bar bouncer. Nice to know he had work experience (re;court transcripts). I wounder where that bar was?
What do you think of the new Illinois reform Commission? http://illinois-reform-commission.blogspot.com/ 2 members received email last year from me. Do you think any thing has been done? I doubt it. Subsequently, the law makes them accessories to all this crap also (after the fact or unwilling participants, cover up or something). So this means the new governor Dan Quin has appointed a criminal element and corrupt members of the commission to investigate corruption and criminal elements. If this aint BS, I don't know what is. So I guess this means with out a doubt criminals in the courts and governments will continue to walk
A corrupt government of biblical proportions. If you or I do one thing wrong or even a hint of wrong doing, we're going to jail or getting arrested. It is a one way street.
Has any one looked up racketeering? RICO? and its time limit?
Has any one looked up criminal conspiracy? and its unlimited time limit?
I don't think it is right to have cops lie, and I really don't think it's right to perjure under oath or provide false reports, in a court of law...... or any where, I really don't think it's right to have 2 villages, a bunch of judges and a host of others cover it up and praise these cops like no tomorrow. I am sorry, apparently many feel it is OK, but I don't. I also think when some one accuses some one of a crime, there better be no be hanky panky.
I was arrested by Palatine police officers. Wenrich and probably Hunter (sitting right next to him for 2 hours) were high on drugs. Instead of the village getting rid or getting drug treatment for these cops, the entire village of Palatine and Inverness, wants to sweep it under the rug, pretend it did not happen. I have been a plumber in town for 35 years. Dispatch, all cops who were apart of the arrest, shift commander, deputy chief (now police chief of Inverness - Haas), police chief, a major cover up which also involves mayor Mullins, Tatooles, 2 village councils, 2 police departments, a law bar, 1 retired supreme court justice, 1 appellate, 1 trial judges 1 D A's office. They all hanged me out to dry and went on their mary way, in this BS scam of major proportions. Still to this day these cops, Palatine, Inverness, Judge Scotillo, da's office are doing the same thing, non stop, they all go to the same churches, bars, restaurants, grocery stores. Except they did not hang me high enough or long enough.
I was in maybe 5, 6, or 7, 4th of July parades in Palatine, I sponsored the Village public softball and foot hockey teams (along with a bunch of other grammar school teams), for many, many years. I always thought these people, were a better person than turning a blind eye to crimes by one of their own. I also thought that what they were better, than they turned out to be. Again I miss judged people I thought were my friends.
I never liked or had much respect for people that lie and supported such, don't care who they are, I bet, I am not alone, we just got to deal with it the best we can.
I'm no angle but there are no role models or good examples of government on this blog.
One of the women who works in community development department of Palatine said to me "I should be glad I didn't go to jail", I think this is the woman, where as, I fixed a sink hole in her back yard 15? years ago..... another courtesy to the village by Mike Mars
6 months ago a Palatine resident called the community development department asking for my phone number, her kitchen sink would not drain, needed rodding out and wanted to call me. Community development said "I need to take out a permit before she could give me this information". The lady got my phone number from a neighbor.
Me, Mike Mars a state of Illinois licensed plumber, state of Illinois licensed plumbing contractor, state of Illinois licensed CCCDI (cross connection control device inspector (back flow device)),
Me, Mike Mars a state of Arizona licensed plumbing contractor, state of Arizona licensed back flow inspector, licensed Phoenix journey man plumber, gas fitter and mechanical. needs a permit to rod a 20' kitchen sink drain in Palatine..... if this aint a crock, what is?
The community development department is 1 of many centers of corruption in Palatine, in the form of bribes, extortion, pay offs, contracts, bids, the demolition of Palatine it's self.
A few may recall, this story is about the building department letting a x-fireman do major, commercial plumbing work, then threaten the plumbing inspector with removal of needed health insurance for his sick wife, if he said anything. People in Palatine knows who I'm talking about and the related messes. The fire chief was probably involved in this cover up also. When Harry asked where is the licensed plumber on the job, then, shut the job down, the x-fireman then most likely called his old boss and they made up a story about smelling alcohol on the inspectors breath. Harry tried to do his job, to follow and enforce the Illinois State Plumbing Code, but Harry's bosses forced him to look the other way and violate the law. I am sure this was not the first. After that this guy could do what ever plumbing he wanted, with no inspection. Harry was never allowed near him, some jobs were disasters of the highest degree. Harry was let go because of "old age". This is age discrimination, another violation of the law, why Harry don't sue the village, is beyond me, the mayor can do it (claims she was on official Palatine business in Washington DC, hurt her self workmen comp claim but wants more), so why can't Harry. http://palatine-mayor-rita-mullins.blogspot.com/
Welcome to the corrupt Village Hall of Palatine, this is nothing new, just a new twist.
I rodded the sewer at Gary's old house last week, he was a Village of Palatine inspector, who lost his job after failing a defective set of concrete steps on inspection (water would not drain off, thus, they would freeze in the winter). This was one of Hummel's Palatine projects. Word had it is that Hummel was pissed, cost him a couple thousand dollars to fix it. I would bet, after that, no one failed or questioned any thing done by Hummel.
How come the city can't plow there own streets?
Where is officer Baker, every city salt truck, with plow, salt, spreader, is over weight!!!!!!, what about CDL?
Where is officer Baker, checking for CDL's and weight with Hummels drivers of heavy equipment?
Baker is just 1 more dirty cop in Palatine.
Baker told another plumber who has a small dump truck that he can get a ticket for being over weight, even though he wasn't, a bunch of tricks as to where the tires are, on the scale.
Baker along with Wenrich is another terrorist running around with a gun and badge, that can do what they please with the law. Who is going to complain?
Here is another baker story?
A load of gravel leaves a Algonquin pit with a state certified scale weight ticket, delivers the load to DesPlaines destination where another state certified scale weights the load. Weight is the same as the pit.
but, here comes Baker (this might have been a State Police assist)
pulls him over, weights him, gives him a $3500? ticket and lets him go on his way.
The driver said he can't fight it, by the time he pays a attorney (who is probably crooked along with the prosecutor and judge), time off work, and probably lose any way, what the heck can I do?
Sound pretty cut and dry to me. The guy probably would not pay the discount for road side cash, just like my brother.
I herd this from a merchant in Palatine who herd this from the trucker.+
West of 53 on Lake Cook Rd. to Rand Rd. (rt. 12), apparently has a weight limit. I never saw a warning at the exit of 53 of this little ...... no, huge, money maker. But to be fair, any salt truck with plow would be over weight. Do you think the state or Baker, hit any county snow plow? Scam city
Wenrich a Palatine cop, told the court I was on a road that does not exist, the judges praised him and believed him (right there in the report). Maybe some one aught to tell the department of transportation, it is law that the highway does not exists or maybe some one aught to tell the post office, or tell google earth that the road does not exist because a cop high on drugs said so, and the corrupt departments in the village of Palatine, Cook County judicial system, Made it law.
How about this, maybe 500k times, courts (Judges, cops, D.A's, IDOT) have ruled Wenrich, judge Scotillo, the appellate, this group of D.A's, the village of Palatine is wrong.
But in this one case, the whole world is wrong, Judge Scotillo, the appellate, a group of D.A's and the Village is right with a Palatine Cops hallucinating drug experience while on patrol, on a arrest.
I paid about $60k in additional worthless lawyer work only to discover, the fix, cover up, scam was on and not coming off. They Play Scotillo's fix or his wife will kick them out of the law bar she runs.
So what we have here is that the appellate court ruled judge scotillo's group to protect a cop high on drugs during arrest was correct, creditable, accurate and a great service to the community.
So that means the 500k cases before my trial and after words, are wrong and have to be resided, because the higher court ruled Wenriches perjured testimony, is correct. The higher court always trumps lower court decisions - this means until a higher court over rules, the speed limit on that road is not what the Illinois department of transportation and the 500k other judges say it is.
Does that mean all the judges, tickets, testimony by cops, D.A.'s that have ruled against Scotillo and the appellate are in contempt of the new law?
It means a cop can go in front of one judge, say one thing, then go across the hall, say the opposite at the same time have judges and D.A.'s on both sides of the hall, pat em on the back and tell em what a great job they are doing.
That mean all correct testimony in every other case in not correct. Illinois Department of Transportation is in violation of Scotillo's law by saying the facts of Wenrich are not correct.
That was 5 years ago and I am sure Wenrich goes into other court rooms and this testimony is in direct opposite as given in my trial. Which would not correct because higher court ruled false facts are facts.
This is a typical every day, run of the mill trial in the Cook County Court system, that was court approved lawless. Most people are to afraid to come forward because,
where is the proof?
what's the use?
who you going to complain to?
what's going to happen?
nothing will happen.
If we want to see some real law and order. We should watch the TV show, law and order. They seem to have some rules D.A.'s, judges and cops must follow.
Wenrich's perjured testimony, false police report, my emails, have been reviewed by some very important people and he has no problem lying to their face?
Wenrich is suppose to be the best Palatine has to offer.
I think he amongst others, knowingly manipulate and have a designed disrespect of the law, others who, by accident, by lack of knowledge, or something, disrespect the law, are different, but those players in my case have knowingly manipulated and disgraced..... all of us.
I contacted all the churches, in town, so did Drew Peterson's wife. That church didn't care and that tells you exactly, what the back bone of that church is all about.
God don't give a person many chances to show what they are made of. It does happen and I was able to help provide this opportunity. It is not a nice view, but to some, I guess this view is fine, A-OK.
People fail to realize that these idot cops, judges, D.A.'s that lie in court, must lie out of court also, to fellow colleagues, in professional or personal matters, on the clock or off, on a regular basis. Total out of control, next thing you know every thing out of their mouth is a lie, then their life's become nothing but lies. At some time, it gets out of control. Scotillo, mayor Mullins, Tatooles, Alvarez, Madigen may think this is OK, but I don't.
Plenty of evidence, here, a person don't have to spend weeks, months, or years of investigation to throw a bunch of corrupt people in jail. I never asked a Palatine cop, that was high on drugs to pull me over, to arrest me, to file a false police report, to give false testimoney. I did not ask Scotillo, the D.A's office, defense team, 2 villages to cover up.
I just gave every one the opportunity to be corrupt or not. Now we can see who is what.
You cannot have the cake and eat it too.
The entire village accepts this behavior, I don't. Welcome to Palatine.
I, go where few dare to go and I got the balls to do it.
We all make mistakes in life, some are bigger than others.
Little ole me who lost every thing, Trying to tell the justice system, they were wrong, that I was arrested by some cops that were higher than a kite (on drugs?), the testimony was deliberate and false, evidence was deliberate and false also. That these cops are making a fool out of the legal justice system at their own entertainment.
I am in and may remain in poverty, for some time or life.
I tried to get a corrupt cop, police force, village, D.A's office, Scotillo, the appellate, a supreme court justice, a locale law bar association (I tried to get all the law bars in Illinois to recognize that truth and honesty is a good thing - but they didn't care - If they don't play corrupt law with corrupt judges, they'll be black balled - we all know it, that's how it is), I tried to get some thing good, honest, respectful going, in a very corrupt environment but got squashed.
At times like these a person really knows where his friends are. It seems since I can't and wont, lie, cheat or steal, my friends are fewer and hardships are many. I am not going to change, i think honesty is the best policy.
I still think that night when Wenrich saw me in my corvette, wanted to sell me some of the drugs he was on. What do you do in a siguation like that, a cop high on drugs pulls you over? I should be lucky, I guess, he didn't shoot me, who know what he was on. Scary if you ask me, I doubt those are the only 2 cops on drugs while on duty or show up sobor. Scarier is that he and the rest are still on patrol and the judges, D.A.'s and the village love him, the deputy chief got his own police department of Inverness now.........that's scary. My defense lawyer 1's, brother is and was the mayor of Inverness.
When it is over they all retire with a pension and the next group of thugs take over.
If I could find a lawyer to sue the village for every penny they have, I would. I never asked for a cop that was out of his mind to to terrorize me, the village to employ such people and the village to aid and abbet.
You would think in a reasonable world that the mayor would call me up to thank me, apologize, assure me that the police department is being cleaned up right now. Or the police chief or a council man or how about Judge Scotillo, making a apologize? to call me or any one, how about Wenrich?
Some of you may think I know a lot, but I know very little. I use to focuse on customers calling me and doing a good job, helping people around town, sponcering, base ball teams, plowing out people for no charge when snow would get to deep, fill in pot holes that no body elese is filling in, picking up crap in the middle of the highway that every one is driving around, working on homes for habbitat. You can't help hear words on the street and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see what is going on with your own eyes.
If I was not busted, by a couple of Palatine Cops high on drugs, who lied to the judge's face - under oath, provided a false police report to the court, judges praising and encouraging this activity, the whole of a village or 2, I worked in for the past 35 years, aware and endorsing this crap, I would not be doing these blogs. My values say this is wrong. I did not ask a drug infested cop to pull me over and lie about the facts, like if it's no big deal. A cop then goes across the hall and tell another judge the opposite. A bunch of cops, D.A's, and judge's that mocks what ever criminal justice is. When I go to court, I use to figure that is one place were there is law and order, a higher standard.
I think it is my responsibility to help make the world a better place, for people to be nicer to others, no matter what little corner in life, no matter what pocket of the globe I'm at or where any one's at, no matter what the odds are. Just try to do the best you can and if it aint good enough, try again? I came across some dirt of biblical proportions, how do you fix it?
A commuter hit by train. Did you ever wonder why the Village of Palatine relocated a bar on to city metro property, rent free, next to the metro garage, and moved the metro station across the street and charge them rent?
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